Monday, November 2, 2009

Bad News

I got into a bike accident in July and have spent $500 out of pocket costs already for it, which included the x-ray bills and separate doctor's bill of $369. Now I just got a $703 bill from the hospital and the money is due in a few days. My 3 hours in the hospital, which was mainly just spent waiting around, will cost me $1200 with insurance. Plus, I had to go to my regular doctor twice to get two rounds of stitches out, which cost me an additional $50.

It looks like I won't be taking any more trips now. I was really looking into going to New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia to visit an old salsa dancing friend from the US who now lives there with his wife and in three weeks time, a new baby.

But now this ate up everything. I really regret that accident more than anything. I am poor with all this triathlon training, doctor's bills and braces.

I can't wait for a fresh start next year.

On a happier note, I applied for the lottery for the New York City 2010 marathon. I won't find out till March if I won the lottery, but fingers crossed.

We are now back to having record-breaking temperatures of high heat. It is in the 90s and will continue to be that way for a while. It is November and still hotter than most places get in the summer.