2009 Reflected
2009 was a good year to me. I had some great achievements and some losses. Here is 2009 in remembrance:
1. Finishing Ironman. I completed Ironman Arizona after months of very long weekends spent on my bike and in my running shoes and swimming laps in the pool. During the heat of the summer, I had to awake in the 4 o'clock hour to beat the triple digit temps. But, when all is said and done, I crossed the finish line to a very challenging endurance event and now I am an Ironman finisher. It was an amazing euphoria.
2. Running the Copenhagen marathon. In my quest to run a marathon on every continent, I participated in this Denmark race and visited the land of models, aka Sweden, while there.
3. My best birthday ever. I went to LA to the Festival of Books and personally met my future husband Curtis Stone. He signed his new cookbook and wrote "happy, happy birthday Jennifer." Sigh :) My dad also surprised me and appeared in Newport Beach in California on my birthday. I was so happy that weekend and nothing will top that b-day.
4. Getting braces on and off. For four months I had these ugly white braces which made me feel like I was 12 years old. But after a quick 4 months, they were removed and a straighter smile was found beneath that gastly metal. I now smile in photographs. Yes, it was dang expensive and yes, it was worth every penny.
5. Seeing Dinner Impossible filmed in person. At an Ironman dinner, the Food Network was filming the show right in front of me. Robert Irvine was feeding hungry triathletes. As a Food Network addict, I was giddy as a school girl. You can ask anyone who was there.
6. My brother moving to Utah. He got a job in Herriman and took off :(
7. A major bike accident in July that left me with stitches, a sprained wrist and scars for life. I completely lost consciousness in my fall and luckily two men driving by found me.
8. A friendship ending. I received a letter by mail from a friend that I have known for 9 years now. She was very candid in her letter explaining all the things she didn't like about me. It made me change the way I view things and I feel like a much more positive person because of it. I tried to take a sad situation and turn it into a learning experience. I also ended a friendship with another person. Sometimes in life you have to learn to let go to become something better.
9. Not getting a wanted opportunity. Enough said about that.
10. Participating in 30 races. This was a year devoted to training and racing. I competed in events ranging from a 5K to a full Ironman. My muscles can feel it and after Ironman my stamina isn't what it was before the race, but I am proud of my accomplishments in my marathon and triathlon life.
Here's to a wonderful 2010! I am looking forward to it. I will have to write down my new year's resolutions.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
bike accident,
Copenhagen marathon,
Monday, December 28, 2009
I think being around family is hazardous to my health. I have had three very nasty migraines in the past year and all fell during a holiday period when I'm around family. I got another bad one yesterday morning and was sick all day.
But Christmas was nice. My brothers both came into town and we opened gifts and spent Christmas Eve dinner with relatives.
I had a movie marathon and saw three new movies: Up in the Air, It's Complicated and Nine. I really enjoyed Up in the Air and not just for the eye candy that is George Clooney.
Back at work today and all week.
I think being around family is hazardous to my health. I have had three very nasty migraines in the past year and all fell during a holiday period when I'm around family. I got another bad one yesterday morning and was sick all day.
But Christmas was nice. My brothers both came into town and we opened gifts and spent Christmas Eve dinner with relatives.
I had a movie marathon and saw three new movies: Up in the Air, It's Complicated and Nine. I really enjoyed Up in the Air and not just for the eye candy that is George Clooney.
Back at work today and all week.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
All I want for Christmas
On the eve of Christmas eve, here are the things I am asking Santa for:
1. A special meal prepared by Curtis Stone himself
2. George Clooney underneath my tree Christmas morning. Santa can just pick him up on his sleigh and drop him off. If he is unavailable, Clive Owen will do just fine.
3. Faster legs to get a faster marathon time
4. An expense account at Armani, Max Mara, Sephora and Tiffanys
Is that too much for a girl to ask? I should be on the nice list this year.
On the eve of Christmas eve, here are the things I am asking Santa for:
1. A special meal prepared by Curtis Stone himself
2. George Clooney underneath my tree Christmas morning. Santa can just pick him up on his sleigh and drop him off. If he is unavailable, Clive Owen will do just fine.
3. Faster legs to get a faster marathon time
4. An expense account at Armani, Max Mara, Sephora and Tiffanys
Is that too much for a girl to ask? I should be on the nice list this year.
Christmas wishes
Monday, December 21, 2009
Last race
I had my last race of the year this weekend. It caps a year of 30 races ranging from 5K to full Ironman. With 52 weeks a year, I averaged just over 1 race every other week. And I can feel it. My last two races have been harder than I expected and my knees and IT band really hurt.
I think I need a break. I don't think I'll be doing the big rock 'n' roll marathon this year in January. The next few weeks I think I'll run, but at a nice, easy pace. But, I am contemplating doing my first ultra marathon of a 50K distance. Might be an experience to try. So I hope the break I need won't last too long and I get back to feeling normal soon.
I think always having something to train for is filling some kind of social void in my life. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
Happy holidays! I love this time of year: eating, eating, eating and baking and looking at lights and singing Christmas carols off tune (at least I do).
I had my last race of the year this weekend. It caps a year of 30 races ranging from 5K to full Ironman. With 52 weeks a year, I averaged just over 1 race every other week. And I can feel it. My last two races have been harder than I expected and my knees and IT band really hurt.
I think I need a break. I don't think I'll be doing the big rock 'n' roll marathon this year in January. The next few weeks I think I'll run, but at a nice, easy pace. But, I am contemplating doing my first ultra marathon of a 50K distance. Might be an experience to try. So I hope the break I need won't last too long and I get back to feeling normal soon.
I think always having something to train for is filling some kind of social void in my life. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
Happy holidays! I love this time of year: eating, eating, eating and baking and looking at lights and singing Christmas carols off tune (at least I do).
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Baby, it's cold outside
I went to Utah for 4 days to play in the snow. As I got to the airport, I saw on a screen that it was 11 degrees outside. My mind automatically thinks Celcius when I see a number that low, so I thought, that's 43 degrees F...I can handle it. As I got outside, there was the sight of my breath there to greet me. I haven't seen my breath in quite a while, so I realized that really was 11 degrees F.
I met my dad already there and we headed north to Layton and Brigham City. I spent the day visiting my uncle and browsing Barnes and Noble and laughing at just how cold it was. We ate delicious rocky road fudge, watched sledders and spent as little time outside as possible in the cute small towns north of Salt Lake.
I watched a Christmas broadcast of the choir with Natalie Cole on Saturday and saw the gorgeous lighting displays around downtown. It certainly was a wintery wonderland.
Christmas felt more like Christmas and the glow of the snow underneath Christmas lights is certainly more dramatic and provides a lovely Norman Rockwell scene...much more than cactus with cheesy lights wrapped around it.
I didn't get much time to see many friends this trip. Next time I come I will visit with more people. I didn't get to see any cousins or aunts or people I used to work with, but next time.
I went to Utah for 4 days to play in the snow. As I got to the airport, I saw on a screen that it was 11 degrees outside. My mind automatically thinks Celcius when I see a number that low, so I thought, that's 43 degrees F...I can handle it. As I got outside, there was the sight of my breath there to greet me. I haven't seen my breath in quite a while, so I realized that really was 11 degrees F.
I met my dad already there and we headed north to Layton and Brigham City. I spent the day visiting my uncle and browsing Barnes and Noble and laughing at just how cold it was. We ate delicious rocky road fudge, watched sledders and spent as little time outside as possible in the cute small towns north of Salt Lake.
I watched a Christmas broadcast of the choir with Natalie Cole on Saturday and saw the gorgeous lighting displays around downtown. It certainly was a wintery wonderland.
Christmas felt more like Christmas and the glow of the snow underneath Christmas lights is certainly more dramatic and provides a lovely Norman Rockwell scene...much more than cactus with cheesy lights wrapped around it.
I didn't get much time to see many friends this trip. Next time I come I will visit with more people. I didn't get to see any cousins or aunts or people I used to work with, but next time.
Christmas lights,
Monday, December 7, 2009
Half Marathon
Exactly two weeks after Ironman, I ran a half marathon. Knowing my body hasn't properly healed and my ugly blood blisters on my feet seem to be clinging for dear life, I just used the race as a catered long run. I decided that I would use this race as "Thank a Police Officer Race." It is December; it is cold; it is near the holidays; it was on a Sunday and I'm sure they would rather be home with their families than blocking traffic for runners. So I ran from police officer to policer officer rather than run from mile marker to mile marker. I simply stated, "thank you for helping out today," which was always met with a "you're welcome." It made me feel so good inside and gave me motivation to finish when my IT band was killing me.
I then met my training group for a potluck and an afternoon of fun and stories of our racing experiences. After that, I went to a BBQ with friends and listened to beautiful Christmas music and watched concerts on television.
What a glorious day! I love my life right now. 2009 is ending on a happy note. Unfortunately, my post-Ironman feet don't think so, but they sure deserve my love for getting me through an almost 14 hour race. I have recently deemed my body "six feet of bad ass." It has worked hard for me all year.
Exactly two weeks after Ironman, I ran a half marathon. Knowing my body hasn't properly healed and my ugly blood blisters on my feet seem to be clinging for dear life, I just used the race as a catered long run. I decided that I would use this race as "Thank a Police Officer Race." It is December; it is cold; it is near the holidays; it was on a Sunday and I'm sure they would rather be home with their families than blocking traffic for runners. So I ran from police officer to policer officer rather than run from mile marker to mile marker. I simply stated, "thank you for helping out today," which was always met with a "you're welcome." It made me feel so good inside and gave me motivation to finish when my IT band was killing me.
I then met my training group for a potluck and an afternoon of fun and stories of our racing experiences. After that, I went to a BBQ with friends and listened to beautiful Christmas music and watched concerts on television.
What a glorious day! I love my life right now. 2009 is ending on a happy note. Unfortunately, my post-Ironman feet don't think so, but they sure deserve my love for getting me through an almost 14 hour race. I have recently deemed my body "six feet of bad ass." It has worked hard for me all year.
half ironman,
half marathon,
Friday, December 4, 2009
New Year's Resolutions Revisited
So let's see how I did on my New Year's Resolutions, seen in this blog post:
My New Year's Fitness Resolutions:
1. Run 3 half marathons by February 2009
Ran P.F. Chang's Half Marathon in Jan 09, London's Run Half Marathon in Jan 09, Lost Dutchman Half Marathon in Feb 09
2. Complete an Ironman competition
Completed Ironman Arizona on Nov. 22, 2009
3. Place in an event
Placed 2 and 3 in a few events including an Earth Day 5K, 4000m open water swim, Cota Michael Moreno 5K
4. Join a swimming team
Joined Racelab and swam with a group 2-3 times per week
So I think I did okay. Time to think of some new goals.
So let's see how I did on my New Year's Resolutions, seen in this blog post:
My New Year's Fitness Resolutions:
1. Run 3 half marathons by February 2009
Ran P.F. Chang's Half Marathon in Jan 09, London's Run Half Marathon in Jan 09, Lost Dutchman Half Marathon in Feb 09
2. Complete an Ironman competition
Completed Ironman Arizona on Nov. 22, 2009
3. Place in an event
Placed 2 and 3 in a few events including an Earth Day 5K, 4000m open water swim, Cota Michael Moreno 5K
4. Join a swimming team
Joined Racelab and swam with a group 2-3 times per week
So I think I did okay. Time to think of some new goals.
New Year's resolutions
New Favorite Things
I have compiled a short list of my new favorite things:
1. After a massive amount of blood blisters from Ironman, I realized my trusty running shoes weren't so trustworthy anymore. So I went to Roadrunner Sports and was fitted with a snazzy new pair of snug shoes in which my feet are tightly bound. So now my feet don't move around to create very undelightful blood blisters underneath my toe nails.
2. These new Hershey kisses for the holidays. At a work luncheon I received some Hershey kisses that were candy cane flavored with white chocolate. Yum!
3. Christmas carols. I love singing along in my car when no one is there to listen to my terrible singing voice.
4. Gingerbread cookie dough. Gingerbread is my favorite flavor of cookie. Now I can simply cut off some cookie dough and bake it. I also discovered a new recipe for gingerbread baked brie which I tried out this week while watching Christmas shows.
5. Starbucks during the holidays. I can't get enough of the winter wonderland Starbucks creates during this time of year: red cups, peppermint flavored treats, gingerbead, pumpkin bread, cranberry bliss bars. I could go on and on.
6. Modern Family. This tv show is my new favorite. It's hilarious, but with a sweet ending to each show.
I have compiled a short list of my new favorite things:
1. After a massive amount of blood blisters from Ironman, I realized my trusty running shoes weren't so trustworthy anymore. So I went to Roadrunner Sports and was fitted with a snazzy new pair of snug shoes in which my feet are tightly bound. So now my feet don't move around to create very undelightful blood blisters underneath my toe nails.
2. These new Hershey kisses for the holidays. At a work luncheon I received some Hershey kisses that were candy cane flavored with white chocolate. Yum!
3. Christmas carols. I love singing along in my car when no one is there to listen to my terrible singing voice.
4. Gingerbread cookie dough. Gingerbread is my favorite flavor of cookie. Now I can simply cut off some cookie dough and bake it. I also discovered a new recipe for gingerbread baked brie which I tried out this week while watching Christmas shows.
5. Starbucks during the holidays. I can't get enough of the winter wonderland Starbucks creates during this time of year: red cups, peppermint flavored treats, gingerbead, pumpkin bread, cranberry bliss bars. I could go on and on.
6. Modern Family. This tv show is my new favorite. It's hilarious, but with a sweet ending to each show.
favorite things,
Modern Family,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Someone over Facebook emailed me and said that she is having a case of "life is always greener" and she said my life sounded so much more exciting. I've spent countless hours wishing I were someone else or wanting what others have--countless hours upon hours. The person who emailed me has beautiful children and a beautiful husband and she is gorgeous herself, so I found it interesting that she would even think that about me. I am just a single girl who likes to travel and run and dance.
But when I think about the things I do and have done, my life is pretty freaking fantastic.
Someone over Facebook emailed me and said that she is having a case of "life is always greener" and she said my life sounded so much more exciting. I've spent countless hours wishing I were someone else or wanting what others have--countless hours upon hours. The person who emailed me has beautiful children and a beautiful husband and she is gorgeous herself, so I found it interesting that she would even think that about me. I am just a single girl who likes to travel and run and dance.
But when I think about the things I do and have done, my life is pretty freaking fantastic.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving was spent just the way it should be: amongst friends and family consuming far too many calories. Thanksgiving is my most favorite of holidays. I love the turkey and all the trimmings and the start of the holiday season. I love the smell of gravy and stuffing and dipping ham into cherry sauce and finishing off my already overstuffed self with fruit pies and pumpkin pies and pecan pies with dollops of whipping cream saturating the already sweet flavors. I even tried "cookie salad" this year. I don't know what it was, but anything with "cookie" in the title was sure to get my attention.
My grandparents came to visit as did other relatives from Utah, so the table was full.
Friday I spent nursing allergies and some very unwelcome blood blisters left over from my Ironman race (which was a small price to pay for one big accomplishment).
Saturday I headed to the mall and when I pulled into a very lucky parking spot, Wham's Last Christmas came on the radio. It is a pure sin to turn off this wonderful "Christmas carol" (if you consider George Michael's song a Christmas carol, which I do). So I sat in the car and listened and realized I felt very happy in that moment. It was one of the happiest moments I have ever had. I finished Ironman, I got my braces off, I am back to blonde, it is the start of the beautiful holiday season and my favorite time of year, and I have been eating delicious food for days straight. I don't know what it was about the song that made this moment so deliciously happy for me, but it is a happiness I haven't felt in a long time.
I have had a rough year in terms of some people leaving my life, some friendships came to an end, including a 9-year friendship, so this moment sitting in my car was something to savor and relish.
Thanksgiving was spent just the way it should be: amongst friends and family consuming far too many calories. Thanksgiving is my most favorite of holidays. I love the turkey and all the trimmings and the start of the holiday season. I love the smell of gravy and stuffing and dipping ham into cherry sauce and finishing off my already overstuffed self with fruit pies and pumpkin pies and pecan pies with dollops of whipping cream saturating the already sweet flavors. I even tried "cookie salad" this year. I don't know what it was, but anything with "cookie" in the title was sure to get my attention.
My grandparents came to visit as did other relatives from Utah, so the table was full.
Friday I spent nursing allergies and some very unwelcome blood blisters left over from my Ironman race (which was a small price to pay for one big accomplishment).
Saturday I headed to the mall and when I pulled into a very lucky parking spot, Wham's Last Christmas came on the radio. It is a pure sin to turn off this wonderful "Christmas carol" (if you consider George Michael's song a Christmas carol, which I do). So I sat in the car and listened and realized I felt very happy in that moment. It was one of the happiest moments I have ever had. I finished Ironman, I got my braces off, I am back to blonde, it is the start of the beautiful holiday season and my favorite time of year, and I have been eating delicious food for days straight. I don't know what it was about the song that made this moment so deliciously happy for me, but it is a happiness I haven't felt in a long time.
I have had a rough year in terms of some people leaving my life, some friendships came to an end, including a 9-year friendship, so this moment sitting in my car was something to savor and relish.
Ironman Arizona,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Jennifer: You are an Ironman!"
These were the words I have been waiting to hear for years.
I did it! I set out to accomplish a very particular goal and I successfully crossed the finish line. Ironman: 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run--all in succession!
It was awesome! It was hard! It was an experience of a lifetime!
My feet are sore. My feet have blood blisters all over them. All my toe nails are black. My right calf is sore. I can barely walk. And it was all worth every step.
I am now an Ironman for the rest of my life, which is something no one can take from me.
At 8:58pm on Sunday, November 22nd, 2009, I became an Ironman, something few women achieve. In 13 hours and 58 minutes I reached my goal and celebrated down the finish chute.
I love triathlons! I love what my body is able to achieve with just a healthy dose of motivation and a lot of heart.
Ironman Arizona
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday night
Friday night was very exciting. I am a huge Food Network addict. I watch it more often than I actually cook anything. I have spent hours learning how to blanch things, temper chocolate and bake a souffle, but I've never actually done any of those things in person. I just watch.
Well, there is a Food Network show called Dinner Impossible with Chef Robert Irvine. I watch it all the time. The premise of the show is the chef is given some random culinary challenge to cook for a group of people at a special event and make it happen in weird scenarios, like he is given a kitchen that isn't fully equipped with everything, or the kitchen is outdoors, etc. So imagine my surprise when I went to a dinner for a group of triathletes and right behind me I hear Chef Robert Irvine say "I have now completed my culinary triathlon." They were filming an episode of Dinner Impossible right there. He was cooking for a group of triathletes and other VIPs. So cool! He is smaller in person, but still has his big "guns" of arms. He walked right next to me and I happen to be the same height as he.
He promised he would do a real triathlon next year and raise money for a charity. Yeah! Triathletes will convert one at a time.
Today I dropped off my bike for my race and went to a baseball game with my dad. So nice to head out to a game in the fall. Love baseball.
Friday night was very exciting. I am a huge Food Network addict. I watch it more often than I actually cook anything. I have spent hours learning how to blanch things, temper chocolate and bake a souffle, but I've never actually done any of those things in person. I just watch.
Well, there is a Food Network show called Dinner Impossible with Chef Robert Irvine. I watch it all the time. The premise of the show is the chef is given some random culinary challenge to cook for a group of people at a special event and make it happen in weird scenarios, like he is given a kitchen that isn't fully equipped with everything, or the kitchen is outdoors, etc. So imagine my surprise when I went to a dinner for a group of triathletes and right behind me I hear Chef Robert Irvine say "I have now completed my culinary triathlon." They were filming an episode of Dinner Impossible right there. He was cooking for a group of triathletes and other VIPs. So cool! He is smaller in person, but still has his big "guns" of arms. He walked right next to me and I happen to be the same height as he.
He promised he would do a real triathlon next year and raise money for a charity. Yeah! Triathletes will convert one at a time.
Today I dropped off my bike for my race and went to a baseball game with my dad. So nice to head out to a game in the fall. Love baseball.
Food Network,
Friday, November 20, 2009
Blonde Again
So I am now officially blonde again. After 1.5 months of brunette, I am back to the fake me. I love being the fake me.
I went to pick up my packet yesterday for my race and ended up in bike envy. I don't think I saw one bike for less than $2k, probably more like $5k. Oh well, the bike I have is the bike I have and what can I do? Triathlons are my hobby and I love 'em, but not so much that I drop a small fortune.
I am going to a dinner for all the athletes tonight and then dropping off my bike tomorrow and then on Sunday...stay tuned.
So I am now officially blonde again. After 1.5 months of brunette, I am back to the fake me. I love being the fake me.
I went to pick up my packet yesterday for my race and ended up in bike envy. I don't think I saw one bike for less than $2k, probably more like $5k. Oh well, the bike I have is the bike I have and what can I do? Triathlons are my hobby and I love 'em, but not so much that I drop a small fortune.
I am going to a dinner for all the athletes tonight and then dropping off my bike tomorrow and then on Sunday...stay tuned.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This photo is the set up for my race this weekend. It is coming along! So nervous...but on to the good news!!
I have a lovely new smile thanks to my dentist. It should be a nice smile; it was dang expensive. But it was worth every penny.
I just got my braces off and love my straight teeth. I can't stop smiling. I do have a big plastic thing over them to hold them in place until I get a retainer (ick!).
But my teeth have never looked so good. Thank you dentist! I now have one new thing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dreams explained
So I open up my email and a headline reads "Top 10 Nightmares Explained." Here is what it said:
Natural Disasters
An earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, tornado, or other end of the world dream often means a way of life that needs to be surrendered. There is something going on that is likely to trigger a dramatic change from what is safe and familiar. This may not be a literal move, but could show emotional upheaval, or the need to accept a whole new way of being in the world.
This makes sense with what is going on in my life right now.
So I open up my email and a headline reads "Top 10 Nightmares Explained." Here is what it said:
Natural Disasters
An earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, tornado, or other end of the world dream often means a way of life that needs to be surrendered. There is something going on that is likely to trigger a dramatic change from what is safe and familiar. This may not be a literal move, but could show emotional upheaval, or the need to accept a whole new way of being in the world.
This makes sense with what is going on in my life right now.

Good Tuesday Morning
I had excellent sleep last night, finally. But I dreamt that Mt. Rainier was erupting and lots of people were on the mountain. I don't know why I dreamt that, but it was a horrible dream.
This morning I arose and headed to Starbucks to treat myself. It was fully decorated in red and silver with beautiful garlands for the holidays. I love stepping into a delicious smelling winter wonderland. I love everything about Starbucks during the holidays: red paper cups, pumpkin scones, cranberry bliss bars and mouth-watering gingerbread. I love their special menus with gingerbread and peppermint flavored goodies. While I am not a coffee drinker, plenty of speciality items on the menu satisfy my taste buds.
What a happy morning. I am singing Wham's Last Christmas to put me in the mood.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Weekend Update
Saturday I participated in the last Splash and Dash of the year: 2000m swim and 3k run. It was cold, cold, cold. I couldn't even feel my feet on the run. It was like running on air.
I then met my group for a 2 hour bike ride...at least it was supposed to be 2 hours. I flatted about 15 minutes from finishing and I ran out of CO2s. A car pulled up next to me and a very old gentleman with handicapped parking made his way out of the car with his cane. "Do you need some help?" he asked in his old man's voice. "No, I'm okay," I replied. It was very sweet of him to stop, but I just couldn't ask him to help when he could barely get out of his car.
Another biker then stopped to help who had clearly just fallen off his bike. He was gushing blood and offered his services. I really just needed another CO2, which he didn't have.
It was kind of a funny and sweet situation. Getting offers of help from people who I should be offering to help. What goes around comes around. I always, always try to help bikers. If I have a pump in my car and I see a biker changing a flat, I stop and offer my services. I block other cars when I see a biker out on the street to protect them. I know what it is like to be out there with flats and crazy drivers.
After which I attended a baby shower for an old roommate. She was very pregnant and glowing and beautiful. But, I am a deer in headlights with baby products. All of women were discussing labor and which baby lotions work best for rashes and I sat there happily eating homemade cake and nodding as if I understood anything they were saying.
On Sunday I ran the Iron Girl race. I love to support all-female races. I had an easy 10 mile run that felt like nothing. I just felt like I was lightly running and averaged around 9 minutes/mile, which isn't fast, but it felt really easy. It gave me some confidence from my bad workouts last weekend.
I then did a long swim at the gym.
Then I met up for a meeting with my triathlon group to go over racing strategies and we shared some stories and good times and laughs.
After that, I went to my parents' house to see some old friends in town from my hometown of Seattle. So nice to catch up with friends and eat good food. Delicious, crunchy chocolate chip cookies somehow kept finding their way into my stomach. I don't know how that kept happening.
Saturday I participated in the last Splash and Dash of the year: 2000m swim and 3k run. It was cold, cold, cold. I couldn't even feel my feet on the run. It was like running on air.
I then met my group for a 2 hour bike ride...at least it was supposed to be 2 hours. I flatted about 15 minutes from finishing and I ran out of CO2s. A car pulled up next to me and a very old gentleman with handicapped parking made his way out of the car with his cane. "Do you need some help?" he asked in his old man's voice. "No, I'm okay," I replied. It was very sweet of him to stop, but I just couldn't ask him to help when he could barely get out of his car.
Another biker then stopped to help who had clearly just fallen off his bike. He was gushing blood and offered his services. I really just needed another CO2, which he didn't have.
It was kind of a funny and sweet situation. Getting offers of help from people who I should be offering to help. What goes around comes around. I always, always try to help bikers. If I have a pump in my car and I see a biker changing a flat, I stop and offer my services. I block other cars when I see a biker out on the street to protect them. I know what it is like to be out there with flats and crazy drivers.
After which I attended a baby shower for an old roommate. She was very pregnant and glowing and beautiful. But, I am a deer in headlights with baby products. All of women were discussing labor and which baby lotions work best for rashes and I sat there happily eating homemade cake and nodding as if I understood anything they were saying.
On Sunday I ran the Iron Girl race. I love to support all-female races. I had an easy 10 mile run that felt like nothing. I just felt like I was lightly running and averaged around 9 minutes/mile, which isn't fast, but it felt really easy. It gave me some confidence from my bad workouts last weekend.
I then did a long swim at the gym.
Then I met up for a meeting with my triathlon group to go over racing strategies and we shared some stories and good times and laughs.
After that, I went to my parents' house to see some old friends in town from my hometown of Seattle. So nice to catch up with friends and eat good food. Delicious, crunchy chocolate chip cookies somehow kept finding their way into my stomach. I don't know how that kept happening.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Conversations at the bike shop
Last evening I picked up my bike from the shop as it was getting a tune-up. A lady there asked me if I were doing triathlon races and I said yes. I asked her the same. She said no she doesn't; she wanted to, but her husband says no. She actually looked sad when she told me this.
Another friend of mine is doing the same training I am and he has three children and is a single dad. He says the training is making family life very hard. He wants to stop to enjoy more time with his kids. His kids are also very young.
Another friend of mine says he needs marriage counseling because of the time he spends away from his wife with early morning swims and long weekend workouts.
I will sometimes complain about being single, but other times I feel that singleness has so many blessings and I really have no reason to complain. I train as I please and get up early or stay up late and no one cares. I don't feel like my training is being selfish to a marriage or taking precious time away from children.
It simply makes me eat all the time and for that I REALLY can't complain because I do like to eat.
Last evening I picked up my bike from the shop as it was getting a tune-up. A lady there asked me if I were doing triathlon races and I said yes. I asked her the same. She said no she doesn't; she wanted to, but her husband says no. She actually looked sad when she told me this.
Another friend of mine is doing the same training I am and he has three children and is a single dad. He says the training is making family life very hard. He wants to stop to enjoy more time with his kids. His kids are also very young.
Another friend of mine says he needs marriage counseling because of the time he spends away from his wife with early morning swims and long weekend workouts.
I will sometimes complain about being single, but other times I feel that singleness has so many blessings and I really have no reason to complain. I train as I please and get up early or stay up late and no one cares. I don't feel like my training is being selfish to a marriage or taking precious time away from children.
It simply makes me eat all the time and for that I REALLY can't complain because I do like to eat.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Weekend Update
Friday night I spent swimming laps at the pool. My friends all had dates or went to the movies and I swam never-ending laps and went to bed early. Such is life and it is my choice to spend my Friday evening at the gym.
Saturday I did a 3.5 hour bike ride and felt really out of it. I was in some kind of funk. I had a brick scheduled with a quick 6 mile run afterwards, but had to wait a while to recoop my energy level to do the run. So tired and weird feeling. I think my electrolyte level was too low.
Sunday I participated in a 4000m open water swim race. If this is any indication of what is to come, I better get my armor set up and practice swimming with fists. I was clobbered and hit and kicked so hard my goggles came loose and knocked my contact out of my eye. I treaded water to blink it back in. At 1300m, I threw up from an excess of water intake, suffered from 2000m to 3000m, and then from 3000m to 4000m, I swam my heart out as fast as I could. I don't know how I placed, but it doesn't matter. I did the best I could.
The race director said anyone not wearing a wetsuit is called a swimmer, those with wetsuits are called triathletes. That is fine with me. "Jennifer" and "swimmer" do not belong in the same sentence.
My wetsuit worked fine and didn't split open. Success!
Friday night I spent swimming laps at the pool. My friends all had dates or went to the movies and I swam never-ending laps and went to bed early. Such is life and it is my choice to spend my Friday evening at the gym.
Saturday I did a 3.5 hour bike ride and felt really out of it. I was in some kind of funk. I had a brick scheduled with a quick 6 mile run afterwards, but had to wait a while to recoop my energy level to do the run. So tired and weird feeling. I think my electrolyte level was too low.
Sunday I participated in a 4000m open water swim race. If this is any indication of what is to come, I better get my armor set up and practice swimming with fists. I was clobbered and hit and kicked so hard my goggles came loose and knocked my contact out of my eye. I treaded water to blink it back in. At 1300m, I threw up from an excess of water intake, suffered from 2000m to 3000m, and then from 3000m to 4000m, I swam my heart out as fast as I could. I don't know how I placed, but it doesn't matter. I did the best I could.
The race director said anyone not wearing a wetsuit is called a swimmer, those with wetsuits are called triathletes. That is fine with me. "Jennifer" and "swimmer" do not belong in the same sentence.
My wetsuit worked fine and didn't split open. Success!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Wetsuit Drama
So I took my wetsuit to a seamstress and when I walked in with it, the horrified look on her face made me nervous that this isn't something that can be fixed.
"What is that? I'm scared!" she yelled to me.
She looked it over and decided quite quickly she couldn't fix it. But she did make a suggestion to take it to an upholstery shop because they would have the right sewing machine to do that type of stitching. She gave me the address.
In a very seedy part of town, I slowly opened my car door and got out very carefully looking around for any scary creatures or people. With my recent break-in, I was a little extra cautious. I opened the door to this shop that incidentally had no windows, which I automatically thought looked suspicious. What kind of place doesn't have windows unless they are doing something illegal?
When I got in, a lady with far more pink eye shadow than I've ever seen was sitting there looking at me inquisitively. I said I had an odd request and her look turned to a frown when she stated/asked, mostly stated, "the lady from the tailoring shop sent you." I affirmed that yes, I had been sent here (to this seedy, creepy part of town and your seedy, creepy store).
She sent my wetsuit to the back and out it came with stitching complete. I gave them some money, went to work and googled "how to repair a wetsuit." Apparently, you can stitch it up, but you also need neoprene cement to make it waterproof so water will not seep in through the stitching.
So I called a local triathlon store, found out they sold it and went home and glued my wetsuit shut.
If it works, it was money well spent. If not, that was money that should have gone towards another wetsuit.
So I took my wetsuit to a seamstress and when I walked in with it, the horrified look on her face made me nervous that this isn't something that can be fixed.
"What is that? I'm scared!" she yelled to me.
She looked it over and decided quite quickly she couldn't fix it. But she did make a suggestion to take it to an upholstery shop because they would have the right sewing machine to do that type of stitching. She gave me the address.
In a very seedy part of town, I slowly opened my car door and got out very carefully looking around for any scary creatures or people. With my recent break-in, I was a little extra cautious. I opened the door to this shop that incidentally had no windows, which I automatically thought looked suspicious. What kind of place doesn't have windows unless they are doing something illegal?
When I got in, a lady with far more pink eye shadow than I've ever seen was sitting there looking at me inquisitively. I said I had an odd request and her look turned to a frown when she stated/asked, mostly stated, "the lady from the tailoring shop sent you." I affirmed that yes, I had been sent here (to this seedy, creepy part of town and your seedy, creepy store).
She sent my wetsuit to the back and out it came with stitching complete. I gave them some money, went to work and googled "how to repair a wetsuit." Apparently, you can stitch it up, but you also need neoprene cement to make it waterproof so water will not seep in through the stitching.
So I called a local triathlon store, found out they sold it and went home and glued my wetsuit shut.
If it works, it was money well spent. If not, that was money that should have gone towards another wetsuit.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Attempting to master the impossible
Last night I did the spectacular: swam 6,000m or 3.7 miles. I had been putting off this workout for a couple of weeks, as it takes me an awful long time to swim and this was no small feat. But I wanted to do it, as I consider it a rite of passage in the training. I've heard people talk about the 6,000m swim just as they would a 20 mile run training for a marathon. It is incredible and long and arduous, not to mention, above all, boring.
Armed with my goggles, wetsuit, my favorite flavored gel, a waterproof ipod container with an iPod filled with new tunes, and a healthy dose of motivation, I went to the pool to begin this workout I have been dreading since the day I signed up for triathlons. I started out with a 250m warm up and decided to put on my wetsuit. I know I would look silly, but I swim faster in it and 6,000m is a long time when you are not a fast swimmer. But because I was already wet, apparently you can't put on your wetsuit and for the first time ever, my wetsuit ripped. Right there in front of men, I ripped my wetsuit. For a girl, ripping clothes generally means you have gained weight. I haven't gained weight I don't think, but I think trying to stretch it out over my already wet self didn't work. It was like trying to put on clothes when you are wet; it's a lot harder.
So I bagged the wetsuit and just swam my little heart out in my swimsuit for 6,000m. Oh and I forgot (for the first time ever) my swim cap. I didn't so much as forget, as I couldn't find it. I know I pulled it out of my gym bag to bring with me, but somewhere it disappeared. So I had hair in my face the whole swim.
I rewarded myself every 2000m with a lick of my gel: chocolate mint flavor. It is my favorite gel only available during the holidays and tastes just like brownie batter.
You know what? The swim wasn't that bad. I had been procrastinating for so long and when it came down to it, it wasn't that bad at all.
When I got back home and parked the car, I opened the car door and on the street was my swim cap just sitting there all by its lonesome self. Dang it. I must have dropped it while getting into my car.
I am proud of myself when just 9 years ago I couldn't swim at all, or even put my head in the water. It's not like I'm a good swimmer by any stretch of the imagination, but I sure as heck try.
I also did 90 minutes of biking on the trainer yesterday and this morning before work my alarm went off at 5:30am and I was on the trainer for another 90 minutes. I also have another 5000m swim this week, as well as two more 2000m swims and one open water swim race this weekend.
I am now googling a seamstress in a hopeful attempt to fix my wetsuit. The stitching came undone and with my open water swim race this weekend, I need a wetsuit, as there's no way I'm swimming that long without one. 6000m without a wetsuit was enough.
Last night I did the spectacular: swam 6,000m or 3.7 miles. I had been putting off this workout for a couple of weeks, as it takes me an awful long time to swim and this was no small feat. But I wanted to do it, as I consider it a rite of passage in the training. I've heard people talk about the 6,000m swim just as they would a 20 mile run training for a marathon. It is incredible and long and arduous, not to mention, above all, boring.
Armed with my goggles, wetsuit, my favorite flavored gel, a waterproof ipod container with an iPod filled with new tunes, and a healthy dose of motivation, I went to the pool to begin this workout I have been dreading since the day I signed up for triathlons. I started out with a 250m warm up and decided to put on my wetsuit. I know I would look silly, but I swim faster in it and 6,000m is a long time when you are not a fast swimmer. But because I was already wet, apparently you can't put on your wetsuit and for the first time ever, my wetsuit ripped. Right there in front of men, I ripped my wetsuit. For a girl, ripping clothes generally means you have gained weight. I haven't gained weight I don't think, but I think trying to stretch it out over my already wet self didn't work. It was like trying to put on clothes when you are wet; it's a lot harder.
So I bagged the wetsuit and just swam my little heart out in my swimsuit for 6,000m. Oh and I forgot (for the first time ever) my swim cap. I didn't so much as forget, as I couldn't find it. I know I pulled it out of my gym bag to bring with me, but somewhere it disappeared. So I had hair in my face the whole swim.
I rewarded myself every 2000m with a lick of my gel: chocolate mint flavor. It is my favorite gel only available during the holidays and tastes just like brownie batter.
You know what? The swim wasn't that bad. I had been procrastinating for so long and when it came down to it, it wasn't that bad at all.
When I got back home and parked the car, I opened the car door and on the street was my swim cap just sitting there all by its lonesome self. Dang it. I must have dropped it while getting into my car.
I am proud of myself when just 9 years ago I couldn't swim at all, or even put my head in the water. It's not like I'm a good swimmer by any stretch of the imagination, but I sure as heck try.
I also did 90 minutes of biking on the trainer yesterday and this morning before work my alarm went off at 5:30am and I was on the trainer for another 90 minutes. I also have another 5000m swim this week, as well as two more 2000m swims and one open water swim race this weekend.
I am now googling a seamstress in a hopeful attempt to fix my wetsuit. The stitching came undone and with my open water swim race this weekend, I need a wetsuit, as there's no way I'm swimming that long without one. 6000m without a wetsuit was enough.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's like a heat wave
Today we are having record-breaking temperatures nearing triple digits. I think today it is supposed to be a high of 97, which is as hot if not hotter than most places in the country get in the middle of summer....and we are nearing wintertime. I wanted to go for a run outdoors yesterday and it is still too hot. I don't get it. Global warming? Arizona heat Gods having some fun? Where I grew up in Seattle, an Indian summer was relished and an avoidance of the rain was cherished. Here, it feels like the entire year is one big Indian summer.
Last night I took a quiz in the Oprah magazine. Since this is Oprah's world and we all just live in it and since she already tells us what to read, what to buy and she decided our president, I thought I would also let her tell me what my personality is...so I found out from the quiz that "I strive for recognition. Anything that lets me win makes me happy." So the article advised me to "compete in a triathlon." Well, I guess Oprah calls it right.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tootsie Rolls to the Rescue
After my much unfortunate bill that will total well over $1,000 for 1 second of my life in a very maddening bike accident, I indulged my financial sorrows in leftover Halloween candy. Although it didn't make the whole in my wallet fill up with cash, it did tickle my taste buds and that made me feel a little better. I don't recommend sweets as a way to relieve problems; there are obviously healthier ways of doing so, but the brightly colored candy was just sitting there....and the candy did work a little magic on my pain.
Since I would have rather spent the $1,000+ on a trip to Europe, or a fancy weekend in Vegas, or indulge myself in some delicious spa treatments at some resort in Scottsdale, I figured I'd have to find some other manner of enjoying a vacation, so I turned on the travel channel and pretended I was at "The Top 10 Caribbean Beaches."
Life can be unfair sometimes. I had a brief accident and now it cost me a lifetime of happy memories of traveling somewhere exotic or buying a new piece of furniture, and instead, left me with a lifetime of scars on my face and knee.
I did run a quick 4 miles yesterday and today...swim, swim, swim.
After my much unfortunate bill that will total well over $1,000 for 1 second of my life in a very maddening bike accident, I indulged my financial sorrows in leftover Halloween candy. Although it didn't make the whole in my wallet fill up with cash, it did tickle my taste buds and that made me feel a little better. I don't recommend sweets as a way to relieve problems; there are obviously healthier ways of doing so, but the brightly colored candy was just sitting there....and the candy did work a little magic on my pain.
Since I would have rather spent the $1,000+ on a trip to Europe, or a fancy weekend in Vegas, or indulge myself in some delicious spa treatments at some resort in Scottsdale, I figured I'd have to find some other manner of enjoying a vacation, so I turned on the travel channel and pretended I was at "The Top 10 Caribbean Beaches."
Life can be unfair sometimes. I had a brief accident and now it cost me a lifetime of happy memories of traveling somewhere exotic or buying a new piece of furniture, and instead, left me with a lifetime of scars on my face and knee.
I did run a quick 4 miles yesterday and today...swim, swim, swim.
bike accident,
Monday, November 2, 2009
Bad News
I got into a bike accident in July and have spent $500 out of pocket costs already for it, which included the x-ray bills and separate doctor's bill of $369. Now I just got a $703 bill from the hospital and the money is due in a few days. My 3 hours in the hospital, which was mainly just spent waiting around, will cost me $1200 with insurance. Plus, I had to go to my regular doctor twice to get two rounds of stitches out, which cost me an additional $50.
It looks like I won't be taking any more trips now. I was really looking into going to New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia to visit an old salsa dancing friend from the US who now lives there with his wife and in three weeks time, a new baby.
But now this ate up everything. I really regret that accident more than anything. I am poor with all this triathlon training, doctor's bills and braces.
I can't wait for a fresh start next year.
On a happier note, I applied for the lottery for the New York City 2010 marathon. I won't find out till March if I won the lottery, but fingers crossed.
We are now back to having record-breaking temperatures of high heat. It is in the 90s and will continue to be that way for a while. It is November and still hotter than most places get in the summer.
I got into a bike accident in July and have spent $500 out of pocket costs already for it, which included the x-ray bills and separate doctor's bill of $369. Now I just got a $703 bill from the hospital and the money is due in a few days. My 3 hours in the hospital, which was mainly just spent waiting around, will cost me $1200 with insurance. Plus, I had to go to my regular doctor twice to get two rounds of stitches out, which cost me an additional $50.
It looks like I won't be taking any more trips now. I was really looking into going to New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia to visit an old salsa dancing friend from the US who now lives there with his wife and in three weeks time, a new baby.
But now this ate up everything. I really regret that accident more than anything. I am poor with all this triathlon training, doctor's bills and braces.
I can't wait for a fresh start next year.
On a happier note, I applied for the lottery for the New York City 2010 marathon. I won't find out till March if I won the lottery, but fingers crossed.
We are now back to having record-breaking temperatures of high heat. It is in the 90s and will continue to be that way for a while. It is November and still hotter than most places get in the summer.
bike accident,
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The heat has returned to the Valley of the Sun. My 14 mile run today took a far longer amount of time than it should have...and a bottle of Gatorade was downed in a matter of minutes. My face has turned a pinkish shade from my normally bronzed skin. (I forgot to put on sunscreen, shame on me!)
I also headed to the gym to complete a 1 hour swim.
Last evening I saw all the kiddies in the cute costumes and headed to a haunted house where I screamed at least 10 times. I am such a wimp. Usually I don't get into the spirit of Halloween; it's mainly a passover holiday on the way to the bigger and better Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The heat has returned to the Valley of the Sun. My 14 mile run today took a far longer amount of time than it should have...and a bottle of Gatorade was downed in a matter of minutes. My face has turned a pinkish shade from my normally bronzed skin. (I forgot to put on sunscreen, shame on me!)
I also headed to the gym to complete a 1 hour swim.
Last evening I saw all the kiddies in the cute costumes and headed to a haunted house where I screamed at least 10 times. I am such a wimp. Usually I don't get into the spirit of Halloween; it's mainly a passover holiday on the way to the bigger and better Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
I started off the morning that began with a chilly bike ride and ended up with a run in some heat. I did 75 miles on the bike and ended with an 8 mile run around a lake. I even was a good cyclist and helped to stop a fellow biker with a flat.
I am all gelled up from sticky GU seeping its way down my leg and my poor bike just gets Gatorade and GU all over it. It withstands such a beating I give to it, as does my poor body. I ran with my headphones and listened to Michael Jackson's Thriller and The Monster Mash to get into the spirit of the holiday.
Tonight I am dressing up as an inmate in black and white strips and heading to a haunted house.
Tomorrow I will do a 14 mile run and a 2.5 hour swim. I am not looking forward to that long swim...it will be my longest. I end up completely comatose after my long swims and pruned as an old apple.
I started off the morning that began with a chilly bike ride and ended up with a run in some heat. I did 75 miles on the bike and ended with an 8 mile run around a lake. I even was a good cyclist and helped to stop a fellow biker with a flat.
I am all gelled up from sticky GU seeping its way down my leg and my poor bike just gets Gatorade and GU all over it. It withstands such a beating I give to it, as does my poor body. I ran with my headphones and listened to Michael Jackson's Thriller and The Monster Mash to get into the spirit of the holiday.
Tonight I am dressing up as an inmate in black and white strips and heading to a haunted house.
Tomorrow I will do a 14 mile run and a 2.5 hour swim. I am not looking forward to that long swim...it will be my longest. I end up completely comatose after my long swims and pruned as an old apple.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Today was a fantastic, wonderful day. I did another one of my aquathon's with a swim and a sprint. It was freezing water...freezing. Putting my face in the water felt like splashing ice on it. Usually when you swim you warm up...not this time. Even on the run I was freezing cold. I kept trying to blow on my hands to warm them up. It was a quiet race on a chilly evening ending with another gorgeous desert sunset.
I then headed to a party with my triathlon group for an evening of friends, costumes and food. I had a nice time chatting with friends and learning how to bike better because heaven knows I need it.
Today was a fantastic, wonderful day. I did another one of my aquathon's with a swim and a sprint. It was freezing water...freezing. Putting my face in the water felt like splashing ice on it. Usually when you swim you warm up...not this time. Even on the run I was freezing cold. I kept trying to blow on my hands to warm them up. It was a quiet race on a chilly evening ending with another gorgeous desert sunset.
I then headed to a party with my triathlon group for an evening of friends, costumes and food. I had a nice time chatting with friends and learning how to bike better because heaven knows I need it.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Diet Coke with swirls of snowflake designs on the can, pumpkin streusel muffins from a co-worker, a chilly morning, hot chocolate...these are a few of my favorite things.
The weather is chilly today, but temps will go back up by Monday to 90 F, but for now, I enjoyed the warm feel of my blankets when my alarm went off and the cold air surrounding my bed.
I get my brackets of my braces off in Nov. then I switch to an invisalign for a few weeks as my retainer is made. Happy day!
So now I finally had three good things happen to me: 1. an exciting race this past weekend. 2. the dentist saying to me "I think we're about done with those braces." 3. An old friend emailed me out of the blue, which was a pleasant and welcomed surprise.
My horoscope yesterday said "an overseas journey is going to begin." Hmm....I think I'll have to have another international trip to make this horoscope come true.
Diet Coke with swirls of snowflake designs on the can, pumpkin streusel muffins from a co-worker, a chilly morning, hot chocolate...these are a few of my favorite things.
The weather is chilly today, but temps will go back up by Monday to 90 F, but for now, I enjoyed the warm feel of my blankets when my alarm went off and the cold air surrounding my bed.
I get my brackets of my braces off in Nov. then I switch to an invisalign for a few weeks as my retainer is made. Happy day!
So now I finally had three good things happen to me: 1. an exciting race this past weekend. 2. the dentist saying to me "I think we're about done with those braces." 3. An old friend emailed me out of the blue, which was a pleasant and welcomed surprise.
My horoscope yesterday said "an overseas journey is going to begin." Hmm....I think I'll have to have another international trip to make this horoscope come true.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Been behind in my workouts this week. Took Monday AND Tuesday off. Now must make up for it. Although I finally got a good night's sleep last night. Lights were out before 10pm and slept on through till my alarm. I have been waking up at 5am and I'm done sleeping.
We are having crazy weather now. We were having "record-breaking temperatures" everyday with maddening heat. Today we are also having "record-breaking temperatures" but in the opposite way: today is the coldest day of the year ever. I'm not complaining. I will take some chilled weather and I know it won't last. But I did dig out my violet winter coat with a fancy collar and got to wear it proudly.
Been behind in my workouts this week. Took Monday AND Tuesday off. Now must make up for it. Although I finally got a good night's sleep last night. Lights were out before 10pm and slept on through till my alarm. I have been waking up at 5am and I'm done sleeping.
We are having crazy weather now. We were having "record-breaking temperatures" everyday with maddening heat. Today we are also having "record-breaking temperatures" but in the opposite way: today is the coldest day of the year ever. I'm not complaining. I will take some chilled weather and I know it won't last. But I did dig out my violet winter coat with a fancy collar and got to wear it proudly.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Half Ironman
Sunday I participated in the annual Soma half ironman: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. I got up at 4:30am, grabbed my stuff and headed out the door for a chill in the air. My wave started at 6:52am and the swim went fantastic. I stayed nice and relaxed, kicking off other swimmers and trying to stay directly on course. I managed a time of 41.40 for the 2000m swim, which is okay. I always want to be faster on the swim, but it's relatively short compared to the rest of the race. The wave behind me were all men and all caught up to me, which is always scary. Women aren't nearly as aggressive swimmers or bikers.
I quickly headed on to my bike and didn't bike fast at all. I was trying to stay in my low heart rate zones and got passed by almost all the bikers. There was an accident in which a biker was carted off to an ambulance with a broken leg. Fortunately, no accidents or flat tires for me. But just a slow time. I had to change around my nutrition plan at 2:15 into the bike. My stomach started to feel heavy, so switched from electrolyte blocks to just gels and gatorade. I usually eat 100 calories every 20 minutes on the bike, but by the end, I switched to 25-30 minutes just to have a better stomach on the run. I got a very poor time on the bike, but biking just isn't my strength, which is unfortunate because it is the longest portion of the triathlon. I am not a good bike handler and get nervous on turns and tight u-turns, so slow down, which is part of the reason I am slow.
However, the run came and I rocked it. I started my run at just over 4 hours into the race and managed to pull off a 2 hour half marathon. I even ran the same time as some of the faster runners in my group. However, because they are much better bikers than I am, they finished with much faster times. My coach told me I would pass a lot of people on the run and she was right. Guys who I saw on the bike course who were a good 25 minutes ahead of me, I caught up with and passed. I slowed down a bit at mile 8 and 9, but by mile 10.5, I started running 8 minute miles and didn't slow down. I got my second wind and finished very strong.
Just need to work on my bike technique. If I can stay that relaxed in the swim, I think I'll be fine. Just need to work on swim speed now. I think in my wetsuit, my form is actually better than it is without it. The wetsuit forces me to keep my arms apart and not cross them over my body. But biking is my nemesis. I don't know how to get better. I can see how people can become better swimmers and runners. It's mainly about genetics, background and experience, technique and speed work. However, I don't see what you can do to become a faster biker? Is there some magic secret I don't know of? Perhaps my positioning could be better; I could stay in aero longer, work out with leg weights more...not sure.
But overall, it was a nice race and glad I did it. Gave me some confidence going into next month when I will be an even slower biker. I am going to have to really slow down my biking during my next race...frustrating. The weather was a warm 90 degrees by the time I finished the run and luckily, ice was available on the run. Every aid station I ran by, I grabbed cups of ice and threw them down my shirt. Felt soooo good.
Sunday I participated in the annual Soma half ironman: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. I got up at 4:30am, grabbed my stuff and headed out the door for a chill in the air. My wave started at 6:52am and the swim went fantastic. I stayed nice and relaxed, kicking off other swimmers and trying to stay directly on course. I managed a time of 41.40 for the 2000m swim, which is okay. I always want to be faster on the swim, but it's relatively short compared to the rest of the race. The wave behind me were all men and all caught up to me, which is always scary. Women aren't nearly as aggressive swimmers or bikers.
I quickly headed on to my bike and didn't bike fast at all. I was trying to stay in my low heart rate zones and got passed by almost all the bikers. There was an accident in which a biker was carted off to an ambulance with a broken leg. Fortunately, no accidents or flat tires for me. But just a slow time. I had to change around my nutrition plan at 2:15 into the bike. My stomach started to feel heavy, so switched from electrolyte blocks to just gels and gatorade. I usually eat 100 calories every 20 minutes on the bike, but by the end, I switched to 25-30 minutes just to have a better stomach on the run. I got a very poor time on the bike, but biking just isn't my strength, which is unfortunate because it is the longest portion of the triathlon. I am not a good bike handler and get nervous on turns and tight u-turns, so slow down, which is part of the reason I am slow.
However, the run came and I rocked it. I started my run at just over 4 hours into the race and managed to pull off a 2 hour half marathon. I even ran the same time as some of the faster runners in my group. However, because they are much better bikers than I am, they finished with much faster times. My coach told me I would pass a lot of people on the run and she was right. Guys who I saw on the bike course who were a good 25 minutes ahead of me, I caught up with and passed. I slowed down a bit at mile 8 and 9, but by mile 10.5, I started running 8 minute miles and didn't slow down. I got my second wind and finished very strong.
Just need to work on my bike technique. If I can stay that relaxed in the swim, I think I'll be fine. Just need to work on swim speed now. I think in my wetsuit, my form is actually better than it is without it. The wetsuit forces me to keep my arms apart and not cross them over my body. But biking is my nemesis. I don't know how to get better. I can see how people can become better swimmers and runners. It's mainly about genetics, background and experience, technique and speed work. However, I don't see what you can do to become a faster biker? Is there some magic secret I don't know of? Perhaps my positioning could be better; I could stay in aero longer, work out with leg weights more...not sure.
But overall, it was a nice race and glad I did it. Gave me some confidence going into next month when I will be an even slower biker. I am going to have to really slow down my biking during my next race...frustrating. The weather was a warm 90 degrees by the time I finished the run and luckily, ice was available on the run. Every aid station I ran by, I grabbed cups of ice and threw them down my shirt. Felt soooo good.
half ironman,
Friday, October 23, 2009
My Arm Hurts
I got a flu shot at work yesterday. I get a flu shot every year and got one for free yesterday compliments of my company. However, I also had an aquathon race yesterday evening and well, my arm was quite sore. I did a 1000m swim followed by a quick 4K run on a dark Thursday evening. During the swim the sun was setting and luckily, finished the swim before total darkness. But I did run the dark.
Today my arm is super sore.
Have a big race this weekend I am worried about...we'll see how it goes. Glad it will be wetsuit legal. I have so much more confidence in a wetsuit.
I got a flu shot at work yesterday. I get a flu shot every year and got one for free yesterday compliments of my company. However, I also had an aquathon race yesterday evening and well, my arm was quite sore. I did a 1000m swim followed by a quick 4K run on a dark Thursday evening. During the swim the sun was setting and luckily, finished the swim before total darkness. But I did run the dark.
Today my arm is super sore.
Have a big race this weekend I am worried about...we'll see how it goes. Glad it will be wetsuit legal. I have so much more confidence in a wetsuit.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
One of God's Own
So I killed a mouse this morning. I set traps last night and sure enough at 5am I heard it click. I killed one of God's creatures. I should feel horribly, but seeing the brown fur and tail made me sick to my stomach. I wrapped it up in a plastic bag and actually drove down the street to a dumpster. I wouldn't throw it away in our garbage can, as I had visions of it eating all the garbage and growing into a big rat and infesting the house.
Tonight I am participating in the Splash and Dash, an aquathon race. They are quick races, but leave you breathless.
So I killed a mouse this morning. I set traps last night and sure enough at 5am I heard it click. I killed one of God's creatures. I should feel horribly, but seeing the brown fur and tail made me sick to my stomach. I wrapped it up in a plastic bag and actually drove down the street to a dumpster. I wouldn't throw it away in our garbage can, as I had visions of it eating all the garbage and growing into a big rat and infesting the house.
Tonight I am participating in the Splash and Dash, an aquathon race. They are quick races, but leave you breathless.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Things Happen in Threes
So last night when I got home, my neighbor asked kindly, "Did you get your car broken into last night?" I said yes. She said my car alarm went off at 2:30am for 15 minutes and she turned on all the lights, came out and saw nothing. My guess is the robbers heard the alarm, grabbed the bag and scattered. My other neighbor overhead us talking and said that his garage got broken into and he has seen two teenage boys on bikes with flashlights looking into people's cars and they were just around a couple of nights ago. I am willing to stay up all night to catch them in the act and make a citizen arrest when they break in. I feel violated. But I did get the locks fixed this morning at the dealership and it came to a grand total of $17.10, so don't need to worry about involving the insurance.
So since things happen in threes, I wrote in another post that three hard things happened to me and soon it must be that three wonderful things happen to me...well, three more things happened, but not for the better: 1. My cell phone is broken. I'm not getting coverage and it is always dying. 2. My car got broken into and all my makeup stolen. 3. I have a mouse in my house. I am afraid for my life.
So last night when I got home, my neighbor asked kindly, "Did you get your car broken into last night?" I said yes. She said my car alarm went off at 2:30am for 15 minutes and she turned on all the lights, came out and saw nothing. My guess is the robbers heard the alarm, grabbed the bag and scattered. My other neighbor overhead us talking and said that his garage got broken into and he has seen two teenage boys on bikes with flashlights looking into people's cars and they were just around a couple of nights ago. I am willing to stay up all night to catch them in the act and make a citizen arrest when they break in. I feel violated. But I did get the locks fixed this morning at the dealership and it came to a grand total of $17.10, so don't need to worry about involving the insurance.
So since things happen in threes, I wrote in another post that three hard things happened to me and soon it must be that three wonderful things happen to me...well, three more things happened, but not for the better: 1. My cell phone is broken. I'm not getting coverage and it is always dying. 2. My car got broken into and all my makeup stolen. 3. I have a mouse in my house. I am afraid for my life.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Break In
I walked out to my car this morning to go to work and my passenger door was wide open...that is not a good sign. Turns out my car was broken into and all my makeup stolen. I'm sure the idiot criminals thought they were getting away with credit cards and cash and not used tubes of lipstick and mascara. I called the cops and they dusted for fingerprints. I have never, ever, ever, ever in my entire life ever left my makeup bag in my car. I even looked at it last night and thought...should I just take it in?? And thought, no, I'll leave it in here and do my makeup on the way to work. Big mistake. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and take the small bag into the house. It's not like it weighed a lot or was any amount of work to carry it in, which may have saved me from this.
It doesn't look like anything else was stolen and at least it was just that...$100 worth of Estee Lauder products. I'm sure it was dumped somewhere. It could have been worse, with a car door open my entire car could have been stolen. My radio was left, sports stuff was left, a box of books was left, but now my keyless entry is broken and I have to take it to the dealership tomorrow to have it fixed. More $$$ to spend.
I hope those criminals really needed the used cosmetics. I'd be happy to donate it to them if Estee Lauder's Pink #7 was something they really wanted. Rather than cost me time off of work and the cost of fixing my keyless entry.
It was creepy driving to work knowing strangers had been in my car. I hope I don't find more missing, which is entirely possible.
At least the cop was cute.
I walked out to my car this morning to go to work and my passenger door was wide open...that is not a good sign. Turns out my car was broken into and all my makeup stolen. I'm sure the idiot criminals thought they were getting away with credit cards and cash and not used tubes of lipstick and mascara. I called the cops and they dusted for fingerprints. I have never, ever, ever, ever in my entire life ever left my makeup bag in my car. I even looked at it last night and thought...should I just take it in?? And thought, no, I'll leave it in here and do my makeup on the way to work. Big mistake. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and take the small bag into the house. It's not like it weighed a lot or was any amount of work to carry it in, which may have saved me from this.
It doesn't look like anything else was stolen and at least it was just that...$100 worth of Estee Lauder products. I'm sure it was dumped somewhere. It could have been worse, with a car door open my entire car could have been stolen. My radio was left, sports stuff was left, a box of books was left, but now my keyless entry is broken and I have to take it to the dealership tomorrow to have it fixed. More $$$ to spend.
I hope those criminals really needed the used cosmetics. I'd be happy to donate it to them if Estee Lauder's Pink #7 was something they really wanted. Rather than cost me time off of work and the cost of fixing my keyless entry.
It was creepy driving to work knowing strangers had been in my car. I hope I don't find more missing, which is entirely possible.
At least the cop was cute.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Fall...? Where are you??
Autumn is my favorite time of the year--when the weather starts cooling down, Halloween candy is stocked on the shelves in the stores for me to salivate over and the mornings are perfect for running.
But, alas, the weather Gods seem to be punishing Arizona for some reason. It has been 109 on Saturday and 102 on Sunday with record-breaking temperatures...three words that are on the news almost everyday.
This weekend was a big training weekend and unfortunately, was so long I had no choice but to deal with the weather.
My 17 mile run on Saturday ended up with me running to the Circle K to buy Gatorade. I grabbed a bottle and yelled, "Gatorade, where have you been all my life?" And I was only at mile 14. It was a long, long 17 miles with salt forming on my head and face and the salty taste of the fruit punch Gatorade was so delicious down my throat.
I love to run at Kiwanis Park, this lovely park by my house where the kids feed the ducks in the pond and boys go fishing with their dads. Some kids like to count the amount of times I run around the lake because I tend to run it at least 17 or 18 times around. I love this park. Well, I got there on Saturday and the whole thing was torn up with metal fencing around it. Say what? My beautiful run and crowd watching were not going to come to fruition. I also love to run at this park because they have water fountains and bathrooms, which are especially helpful in the heat of the desert. Well, the city turned off all the water fountains and locked all the bathrooms. I ran there anyway and by the end after downing all my Gatorade and 1 gallon of water, I was holding onto the fence just to stay up. My electrolyte level was just too low from the heat and my stomach was cramping and legs felt icky.
Then afterward, I headed to the gym to swim.
On Sunday, I had my longest bike ride in 102 degrees. A group was riding the 87 highway and I had 100 miles to bike. 100! No exaggeration. 100 miles after my really difficult run on Saturday in my fabulously icky park. I started off well, taking in 300 calories per hour and following my nutrition plan. I cruised down the hill at 25 miles per hour and averaged around 20 mph for the first half of the course. Then....the heat came! Salty bikers in colorful shirts headed up the hill cursing the desert Gods for giving us this Indian summer. I had something happen to me that has never happened. Sometimes during biking I wear a headset, which a fellow biker did not appreciate. He biked near me to let me know how he felt about this and to tell me how bad a biker I was...hmm? What did I ever do to you? He then found me again several times along the highway and even came back around biking the opposite direction of traffic to bike next to me to yell very mean words to me. I told him I couldn't hear him because I was wearing my headset..lol! That made him more upset, but I loved it.
I came back to a much needed shower, as I had grease and gel packets stuck to my skin. I am a beautiful biking sight! Ahhh, now to eat all the calories I can.
Autumn is my favorite time of the year--when the weather starts cooling down, Halloween candy is stocked on the shelves in the stores for me to salivate over and the mornings are perfect for running.
But, alas, the weather Gods seem to be punishing Arizona for some reason. It has been 109 on Saturday and 102 on Sunday with record-breaking temperatures...three words that are on the news almost everyday.
This weekend was a big training weekend and unfortunately, was so long I had no choice but to deal with the weather.
My 17 mile run on Saturday ended up with me running to the Circle K to buy Gatorade. I grabbed a bottle and yelled, "Gatorade, where have you been all my life?" And I was only at mile 14. It was a long, long 17 miles with salt forming on my head and face and the salty taste of the fruit punch Gatorade was so delicious down my throat.
I love to run at Kiwanis Park, this lovely park by my house where the kids feed the ducks in the pond and boys go fishing with their dads. Some kids like to count the amount of times I run around the lake because I tend to run it at least 17 or 18 times around. I love this park. Well, I got there on Saturday and the whole thing was torn up with metal fencing around it. Say what? My beautiful run and crowd watching were not going to come to fruition. I also love to run at this park because they have water fountains and bathrooms, which are especially helpful in the heat of the desert. Well, the city turned off all the water fountains and locked all the bathrooms. I ran there anyway and by the end after downing all my Gatorade and 1 gallon of water, I was holding onto the fence just to stay up. My electrolyte level was just too low from the heat and my stomach was cramping and legs felt icky.
Then afterward, I headed to the gym to swim.
On Sunday, I had my longest bike ride in 102 degrees. A group was riding the 87 highway and I had 100 miles to bike. 100! No exaggeration. 100 miles after my really difficult run on Saturday in my fabulously icky park. I started off well, taking in 300 calories per hour and following my nutrition plan. I cruised down the hill at 25 miles per hour and averaged around 20 mph for the first half of the course. Then....the heat came! Salty bikers in colorful shirts headed up the hill cursing the desert Gods for giving us this Indian summer. I had something happen to me that has never happened. Sometimes during biking I wear a headset, which a fellow biker did not appreciate. He biked near me to let me know how he felt about this and to tell me how bad a biker I was...hmm? What did I ever do to you? He then found me again several times along the highway and even came back around biking the opposite direction of traffic to bike next to me to yell very mean words to me. I told him I couldn't hear him because I was wearing my headset..lol! That made him more upset, but I loved it.
I came back to a much needed shower, as I had grease and gel packets stuck to my skin. I am a beautiful biking sight! Ahhh, now to eat all the calories I can.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Track practice
I had a rough track practice last evening. My times are staying put or getting faster, which is great, but everyone else seems to be surpassing me. I was so frustrated that I left early and finished my workout in the parking lot of the high school where we work out. I always compare myself to others and am too competitive to watch people get so much faster than I.
This training has really brought up how I felt in junior high all over again. I just need to keep plugging along.
I read a blog of someone who bikes 100 miles/week and is staying everyday between 850-1100 calories--always under 1200 calories. I think I eat that much by the end of lunch. How can someone work out a lot and stay at such a small caloric intake? I can't seem to cut back no matter how hard I try. I just get so hungry.
I had a rough track practice last evening. My times are staying put or getting faster, which is great, but everyone else seems to be surpassing me. I was so frustrated that I left early and finished my workout in the parking lot of the high school where we work out. I always compare myself to others and am too competitive to watch people get so much faster than I.
This training has really brought up how I felt in junior high all over again. I just need to keep plugging along.
I read a blog of someone who bikes 100 miles/week and is staying everyday between 850-1100 calories--always under 1200 calories. I think I eat that much by the end of lunch. How can someone work out a lot and stay at such a small caloric intake? I can't seem to cut back no matter how hard I try. I just get so hungry.
track workout
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday started off at 5:30am for a 4 hour bike ride through Apache Trail and onto Tortilla Flats. Gorgeous! Best bike ride ever. Beautiful cactus and desert landscape with canyon lake looming in the background. I charged up the hills, but stayed behind the pack for the flats. We had a lot of switchbacks and straight climbs and downhills. Although, I am not feeling the love of my training group member who said "maybe Ironman isn't for you." She is on my bad side now. Let your haters be your motivators.
Right after the ride, we all did a 6 mile hill run: three miles up, three miles down. I averaged not too shabby on the run.
The next day at 5:30am, we all met for a 20 mile run and it went great. The first 15.5 miles flew by. I had problems with my iPod the night before and think it is done. I had an old friend give me an iPod last year, so I'll have to be using that now. However, for the 20 miler, I decided to use a small portable radio and knew the batteries would be dying. So I kept a spare pair of batteries with me in a pocket. Well, of course, the batteries died and I thought...no problem, I have back ups. Smart thinking! Well, somewhere between mile 1 and mile 4, they fell out. But alas, the 20 miles went fine.
At noon, I met my group for swimming practice, which I dread. I am not a swimmer and really struggle with swimming. The coach stayed with me to practice my form and it is so hard to relearn what I have been doing for so long. Plus, in races, a lot just goes out the window anyway when you wear a wetsuit and battle it out with 2000 other people who kick and pound you.
I am feeling quite bad about three things in my life that are weighing heavily on my mind. I won't go into it here, but I'll just say that I have had three disappointments recently all at the same time. They say things happen in threes, so maybe three wonderful things will be happening to me soon. I'll say that one has to do with my training group member who seems to take a harsh beating to me, one has to do with another harsh person in my life and another has to do with not getting something I really wanted for the past 6 years and someone else getting it who probably doesn't know what he or she has.
But life must go on. I feel blessed to have other good opportunities come my way, but not getting this one hurt. Not so much for not getting it, but for the person that got it.
But I am grateful for this training and for my braces and for celebrating my dad's birthday yesterday. My dad is in amazing shape and works so hard. I should learn from him.
Saturday started off at 5:30am for a 4 hour bike ride through Apache Trail and onto Tortilla Flats. Gorgeous! Best bike ride ever. Beautiful cactus and desert landscape with canyon lake looming in the background. I charged up the hills, but stayed behind the pack for the flats. We had a lot of switchbacks and straight climbs and downhills. Although, I am not feeling the love of my training group member who said "maybe Ironman isn't for you." She is on my bad side now. Let your haters be your motivators.
Right after the ride, we all did a 6 mile hill run: three miles up, three miles down. I averaged not too shabby on the run.
The next day at 5:30am, we all met for a 20 mile run and it went great. The first 15.5 miles flew by. I had problems with my iPod the night before and think it is done. I had an old friend give me an iPod last year, so I'll have to be using that now. However, for the 20 miler, I decided to use a small portable radio and knew the batteries would be dying. So I kept a spare pair of batteries with me in a pocket. Well, of course, the batteries died and I thought...no problem, I have back ups. Smart thinking! Well, somewhere between mile 1 and mile 4, they fell out. But alas, the 20 miles went fine.
At noon, I met my group for swimming practice, which I dread. I am not a swimmer and really struggle with swimming. The coach stayed with me to practice my form and it is so hard to relearn what I have been doing for so long. Plus, in races, a lot just goes out the window anyway when you wear a wetsuit and battle it out with 2000 other people who kick and pound you.
I am feeling quite bad about three things in my life that are weighing heavily on my mind. I won't go into it here, but I'll just say that I have had three disappointments recently all at the same time. They say things happen in threes, so maybe three wonderful things will be happening to me soon. I'll say that one has to do with my training group member who seems to take a harsh beating to me, one has to do with another harsh person in my life and another has to do with not getting something I really wanted for the past 6 years and someone else getting it who probably doesn't know what he or she has.
But life must go on. I feel blessed to have other good opportunities come my way, but not getting this one hurt. Not so much for not getting it, but for the person that got it.
But I am grateful for this training and for my braces and for celebrating my dad's birthday yesterday. My dad is in amazing shape and works so hard. I should learn from him.
Friday, October 9, 2009
I had a swim session today with my group and we got a workout. Luckily, the pool is now heated and feels warmer than it did during the summer. The temperatures quickly dropped from record-breaking heat two weeks ago during my triathlon to cool mornings. Yesterday I went out for a bike ride at 5:30am and actually came home to get a jacket. Nice that fall has finally descended upon us. Although, temperatures are going back up today through early next week. But that's okay, no more triple digit temps.
I can finally bike during the day and not be overwhelmed with heat.
This weekend I have a long bike ride of 4 hours, plus a 10K run immediately after. The next day I have a 20 mile run followed by a 1 hour swim. I am eating up the calories now.
My favorite things about autumn:
1. Halloween candy. I love pumpkin mellowcreams.
2. A break from heat. I love crisp mornings.
3. The fall menu at Starbucks: pumpkin scones with a non-fat tall chai. Yum.
4. The holidays are right around the corner.
And this year, fall means I'm halfway through my braces (I hope). They are to come off hopefully at the end of January if all goes well. I cannot wait for that day. My teeth have shifted to where I talk funny. I sound like I have a lisp. I can't make "f" sounds very well.
I had a swim session today with my group and we got a workout. Luckily, the pool is now heated and feels warmer than it did during the summer. The temperatures quickly dropped from record-breaking heat two weeks ago during my triathlon to cool mornings. Yesterday I went out for a bike ride at 5:30am and actually came home to get a jacket. Nice that fall has finally descended upon us. Although, temperatures are going back up today through early next week. But that's okay, no more triple digit temps.
I can finally bike during the day and not be overwhelmed with heat.
This weekend I have a long bike ride of 4 hours, plus a 10K run immediately after. The next day I have a 20 mile run followed by a 1 hour swim. I am eating up the calories now.
My favorite things about autumn:
1. Halloween candy. I love pumpkin mellowcreams.
2. A break from heat. I love crisp mornings.
3. The fall menu at Starbucks: pumpkin scones with a non-fat tall chai. Yum.
4. The holidays are right around the corner.
And this year, fall means I'm halfway through my braces (I hope). They are to come off hopefully at the end of January if all goes well. I cannot wait for that day. My teeth have shifted to where I talk funny. I sound like I have a lisp. I can't make "f" sounds very well.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Aches and Pains
I went to the chiropractor last night for the first time since I was 14. I have been having back problems from biking. Whenever I bike, I get a pain in my upper back that won't go away for the rest of the day. He poked and prodded and stretched me out and I woke up this morning feeling like I had been weightlifting like crazy.
So this morning I went biking and within 45 minutes, the pain returned.
Plus, on Sunday, my knee that I injured in a 2007 bike accident has now started hurting again with any physical activity--even swimming, which has never caused me any pain. It's the least hard on the joints, so makes no sense.
This training is really tearing up my body. I think I can live with the back pain, but the knee pain makes me nervous. In September 2007 I got into the bike accident and ended up in physical therapy for it and it kept me out of some races. So I'm hoping the pain will go away.
I'll ice it and pray.
I went to the chiropractor last night for the first time since I was 14. I have been having back problems from biking. Whenever I bike, I get a pain in my upper back that won't go away for the rest of the day. He poked and prodded and stretched me out and I woke up this morning feeling like I had been weightlifting like crazy.
So this morning I went biking and within 45 minutes, the pain returned.
Plus, on Sunday, my knee that I injured in a 2007 bike accident has now started hurting again with any physical activity--even swimming, which has never caused me any pain. It's the least hard on the joints, so makes no sense.
This training is really tearing up my body. I think I can live with the back pain, but the knee pain makes me nervous. In September 2007 I got into the bike accident and ended up in physical therapy for it and it kept me out of some races. So I'm hoping the pain will go away.
I'll ice it and pray.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sweet Dreams are Made of This--Who am I to Disagree?
Since being sick, I have had a myriad of strange dreams. I dreamt last night that I wanted to start dating again. In real life, I stopped a long time ago. But in my dream I wanted to go on a date and I kept finding these weird guys. One was a guy who I saw on an old episode of CSI who played a serial rapist and murderer. One guy was a 20 year old who was going through a divorce. I kept thinking, why would I want to go out with a 20 year old? Very odd and scary characters kept appearing and all were trying to go out with me. Maybe I just get these type of guys in my dreams and real life.
I also dreamt that I wanted to tell my mom to be supportive of my wearing braces and participating in triathlons, but I couldn't talk. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't say anything.
Perhaps my dreams mirror real life.
I went to track practice last night and then went weight lifting after. Haven't had much time to weight lift, so enjoyed it.
Since being sick, I have had a myriad of strange dreams. I dreamt last night that I wanted to start dating again. In real life, I stopped a long time ago. But in my dream I wanted to go on a date and I kept finding these weird guys. One was a guy who I saw on an old episode of CSI who played a serial rapist and murderer. One guy was a 20 year old who was going through a divorce. I kept thinking, why would I want to go out with a 20 year old? Very odd and scary characters kept appearing and all were trying to go out with me. Maybe I just get these type of guys in my dreams and real life.
I also dreamt that I wanted to tell my mom to be supportive of my wearing braces and participating in triathlons, but I couldn't talk. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't say anything.
Perhaps my dreams mirror real life.
I went to track practice last night and then went weight lifting after. Haven't had much time to weight lift, so enjoyed it.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Life on the dark side
As a brunette, I find that life isn't any different than it was as a blonde. But since the dye was temporary, each day my hair is getting lighter and lighter.
I have been struggling lately with my trichtotillomania. I used to just pull from the back of my head, but now it is from the front and with darker hair, it is more noticeable. I am trying to stop, but I've been trying to stop since I was 14 when I started. I think this is a reason I need to be a blonde.
Perhaps in the winter I will go back to my sunnier color.
I've been doing a lot of research for my book and training and watching bad reality television. I am just loving Brad from the Rachel Zoe Project. What a life he has!
As a brunette, I find that life isn't any different than it was as a blonde. But since the dye was temporary, each day my hair is getting lighter and lighter.
I have been struggling lately with my trichtotillomania. I used to just pull from the back of my head, but now it is from the front and with darker hair, it is more noticeable. I am trying to stop, but I've been trying to stop since I was 14 when I started. I think this is a reason I need to be a blonde.
Perhaps in the winter I will go back to my sunnier color.
I've been doing a lot of research for my book and training and watching bad reality television. I am just loving Brad from the Rachel Zoe Project. What a life he has!
Monday, October 5, 2009
I am getting over a viral infection. I haven't been sick since February 2008 when I did the Antarctica marathon. It isn't something I want to repeat. I had a bad viral infection and missed a couple days of work and now am on antibiotics. I wonder if that played a part in my bad showing at the triathlon for Nathan's. Oh well. I'm doing better.
I dyed my hair last Sunday a brunette color. I went to the store and found two boxes, one labeled "brown" the other labeled "chocolate espresso brown." I went with the later, as it sounded so much more alluring. Well, 10 minutes and hair dye all over the bathroom later, I ended up a brunette. Of course, now the shower curtain and floor were brown. I've not colored my hair at home and have always left it to the professionals and think in the future I will leave it to the professionals. Not sure how I feel about being brunette. I think a golden color makes me feel sunnier. I have just been having my hair ruined with chlorine, so thought this might make a good solution.
Yesterday I went biking in 20 mph winds and got pretty much blown off my bike. I had to actually get off and walk it through an intersection because my weight wouldn't keep me up. I've never had to do that before. Also, there were some trees hanging over the biking path and didn't have enough time to push them out of the way with my hands, so one branch sliced up my forehead.
I swear, I have a scar from my stitches from my bike accident, now a slice through my forehead and dried out brunette hair. What a sight am I? Battle wounds! Loving it.
I am getting over a viral infection. I haven't been sick since February 2008 when I did the Antarctica marathon. It isn't something I want to repeat. I had a bad viral infection and missed a couple days of work and now am on antibiotics. I wonder if that played a part in my bad showing at the triathlon for Nathan's. Oh well. I'm doing better.
I dyed my hair last Sunday a brunette color. I went to the store and found two boxes, one labeled "brown" the other labeled "chocolate espresso brown." I went with the later, as it sounded so much more alluring. Well, 10 minutes and hair dye all over the bathroom later, I ended up a brunette. Of course, now the shower curtain and floor were brown. I've not colored my hair at home and have always left it to the professionals and think in the future I will leave it to the professionals. Not sure how I feel about being brunette. I think a golden color makes me feel sunnier. I have just been having my hair ruined with chlorine, so thought this might make a good solution.
Yesterday I went biking in 20 mph winds and got pretty much blown off my bike. I had to actually get off and walk it through an intersection because my weight wouldn't keep me up. I've never had to do that before. Also, there were some trees hanging over the biking path and didn't have enough time to push them out of the way with my hands, so one branch sliced up my forehead.
I swear, I have a scar from my stitches from my bike accident, now a slice through my forehead and dried out brunette hair. What a sight am I? Battle wounds! Loving it.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Nathan's Triathlon
On Sunday I participated in Nathan's Olympic Triathlon. I did this race two years ago and got into a very nasty bike accident. My bike came into pieces and I ended up in physical therapy for 3 months. But I did finish the race in 3 hours with the bike accident.
Sunday's race took me 3:17 and it was so frustrating. The swim took me 13 minutes longer than it did in 2007 and so that really screwed with my head for the rest of the race. My self talk was really negative because I thought I was so much slower in swimming, which doesn't make any sense because I have been swimming so much more than I ever have. So I was really bummed out. My bike took a while and then on the run, for the first time in my life, I got a side stitch. It felt like a hernia. I heard that to rid yourself of the stitch, you walk with your arms over your head leaning to to the side with the stitch. So I did and within 5 minutes it went away, but I did have to walk a little. I've never walked in a triathlon ever. So really frustrating experience.
Then I find out that the swim course was 300 m longer than it was supposed to be and even the elite athletes had their worst swim times. But still a frustrating race.
After the race, one of the ladies in my training group said to me, "well, maybe Ironman just isn't for you." I think that was the most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to me. I came home, got down on the floor and cried for 2 hours straight. I haven't even cried like that over a guy.
Maybe she is right. Or maybe that was just rude to poop on someone's goals like that. My coach told me that is wrong and that I am ready for it. Another girl told me yes, I should do the race. So it's nice to know I do have some supportive people behind me.
My mom thinks my priorities are screwed up. But my mom says that about everything in my life.
I have a hobby and I (usually) enjoy it (except for this race).
On Sunday I participated in Nathan's Olympic Triathlon. I did this race two years ago and got into a very nasty bike accident. My bike came into pieces and I ended up in physical therapy for 3 months. But I did finish the race in 3 hours with the bike accident.
Sunday's race took me 3:17 and it was so frustrating. The swim took me 13 minutes longer than it did in 2007 and so that really screwed with my head for the rest of the race. My self talk was really negative because I thought I was so much slower in swimming, which doesn't make any sense because I have been swimming so much more than I ever have. So I was really bummed out. My bike took a while and then on the run, for the first time in my life, I got a side stitch. It felt like a hernia. I heard that to rid yourself of the stitch, you walk with your arms over your head leaning to to the side with the stitch. So I did and within 5 minutes it went away, but I did have to walk a little. I've never walked in a triathlon ever. So really frustrating experience.
Then I find out that the swim course was 300 m longer than it was supposed to be and even the elite athletes had their worst swim times. But still a frustrating race.
After the race, one of the ladies in my training group said to me, "well, maybe Ironman just isn't for you." I think that was the most hurtful thing anyone has ever said to me. I came home, got down on the floor and cried for 2 hours straight. I haven't even cried like that over a guy.
Maybe she is right. Or maybe that was just rude to poop on someone's goals like that. My coach told me that is wrong and that I am ready for it. Another girl told me yes, I should do the race. So it's nice to know I do have some supportive people behind me.
My mom thinks my priorities are screwed up. But my mom says that about everything in my life.
I have a hobby and I (usually) enjoy it (except for this race).
Friday, September 25, 2009
Splash and Dash
I participated in a duathlon last night with a swim and run. I am still as slow a swimmer as ever. Frustrating. I don't know what my problem is, maybe I'm just not built like a fish.
I also went to swim practice this morning and kept running into the person swimming next to me, which made my coach mad.
I am just not cut out for the swimming part.
I participated in a duathlon last night with a swim and run. I am still as slow a swimmer as ever. Frustrating. I don't know what my problem is, maybe I'm just not built like a fish.
I also went to swim practice this morning and kept running into the person swimming next to me, which made my coach mad.
I am just not cut out for the swimming part.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Update on life
Tomorrow is a duathlon and this weekend is an Olympic triathlon. So I've got a couple races coming up. I got into a very, very bad bike accident in this race in 2007. It messed up my training for the Antarctica marathon and kept me out of P.F. Chang's Rock N Roll Marathon in 2008 and Lost Dutchman Marathon in 2008. So I'm kind of worried....hopefully all will be well.
A member of my group had a bad bike accident and ended up carted off in an ambulance on Saturday. He flipped over the handle bars and took a tumble. Biking is one dangerous sport. Plus, it's a huge production just to go out on a bike ride.
On Sunday when I was biking, my bike started changing gears on its own. So I brought into the shop for repairs. $127.00 later I needed a new cable. So hopefully it will be fixed and not all greased up as it has been. I'll probably take it in once more this year.
I've been very tired since my bike ride. Monday and Tuesday were hard days to make it through and to get out of bed. I slept probably 10 hours last night. Went to bed early, woke up late. Shame on me! Now it will be a long evening of workouts.
People at work have been asking if I've gotten skinnier. I don't think so, but I've toned up more. My arms are getting more cut, which is strange because I don't have the genetics to get cut arms. I have my father's body and no matter how much weight I lift or how many strokes I swim, I don't develop cut arms because they are so long. Usually compact bodies develop more muscles. My body is tall and lanky, which I'm not complaining about at all. I'd rather have that than short and stout. So my arms aren't buff by any means, but do show a little more tone. I think it's from the swimming I have been doing.
But this has let me eat more. I eat more than anyone I know. I swear I eat and eat. It'll catch up with me in about 7.5 years when I enter my forties and my metabolism slows down. But until then, I'll have my cake and eat it too.
Tomorrow is a duathlon and this weekend is an Olympic triathlon. So I've got a couple races coming up. I got into a very, very bad bike accident in this race in 2007. It messed up my training for the Antarctica marathon and kept me out of P.F. Chang's Rock N Roll Marathon in 2008 and Lost Dutchman Marathon in 2008. So I'm kind of worried....hopefully all will be well.
A member of my group had a bad bike accident and ended up carted off in an ambulance on Saturday. He flipped over the handle bars and took a tumble. Biking is one dangerous sport. Plus, it's a huge production just to go out on a bike ride.
On Sunday when I was biking, my bike started changing gears on its own. So I brought into the shop for repairs. $127.00 later I needed a new cable. So hopefully it will be fixed and not all greased up as it has been. I'll probably take it in once more this year.
I've been very tired since my bike ride. Monday and Tuesday were hard days to make it through and to get out of bed. I slept probably 10 hours last night. Went to bed early, woke up late. Shame on me! Now it will be a long evening of workouts.
People at work have been asking if I've gotten skinnier. I don't think so, but I've toned up more. My arms are getting more cut, which is strange because I don't have the genetics to get cut arms. I have my father's body and no matter how much weight I lift or how many strokes I swim, I don't develop cut arms because they are so long. Usually compact bodies develop more muscles. My body is tall and lanky, which I'm not complaining about at all. I'd rather have that than short and stout. So my arms aren't buff by any means, but do show a little more tone. I think it's from the swimming I have been doing.
But this has let me eat more. I eat more than anyone I know. I swear I eat and eat. It'll catch up with me in about 7.5 years when I enter my forties and my metabolism slows down. But until then, I'll have my cake and eat it too.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday I ran 18 miles and did an hour swim. Then Saturday I did a 4000M open water swim race in very choppy waters. We were near the boats and water skiis that made for a very bumpy swim. I am super prone to getting sea sick and I did during the race. The waves made for a very nauseating swim. It was one of the hardest physical challenges of my life. After the race, I did a 2 hour bike ride in 105 degrees.
It is almost October and still having the same heat as in July. This heat will not end.
On Sunday, I did a 90 mile bike ride with a group of bikers. The group had set up aid stations and I got to refill with ice cold water. Lovely! I was getting used to drinking warm water on my rides. Cold water just quenches the thirst so much better. I also had no flat tires! Happy day.
Friday I ran 18 miles and did an hour swim. Then Saturday I did a 4000M open water swim race in very choppy waters. We were near the boats and water skiis that made for a very bumpy swim. I am super prone to getting sea sick and I did during the race. The waves made for a very nauseating swim. It was one of the hardest physical challenges of my life. After the race, I did a 2 hour bike ride in 105 degrees.
It is almost October and still having the same heat as in July. This heat will not end.
On Sunday, I did a 90 mile bike ride with a group of bikers. The group had set up aid stations and I got to refill with ice cold water. Lovely! I was getting used to drinking warm water on my rides. Cold water just quenches the thirst so much better. I also had no flat tires! Happy day.
open water swim,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Working hard
I am hard at work with training. I just did a 15 mile run and then Friday before work I will do an 18 mile run and then Saturday I am doing a 2 hour bike ride followed by an open water swim. Sunday I do a 6 hour bike ride...6 hours is an awfully long time to be seated in a saddle. I truly am trying to dig deep to find the motivation for that...I can only listen to my iPod for so long before I get tired of the songs and the radio plays the Black Eyed Peas at least 6 times an hour. So I'll try. It's still very hot and training in heat is very hard on the body.
I have been contemplating a hair color change for a while. I've been blonde (fake blonde) for about 13 years now. I'm thinking of going brunette for a while. Chlorine makes the blonde just wash out anyway and it's expensive to up keep, although I've been doing it for so long. Might be fun to see what life is like on the other side. I really don't remember what it is like having dark hair. I have no one to impress, so if it doesn't work for me, it's not like it'll really matter. I haven't been very social lately. Just training, working in an office where I don't have much interaction with people, and watching television.
I am addicted to the Real Housewives of (fill in city) series. I also am loving the Rachel Zoe Project. I just like seeing all the beautiful fashion and dreaming of far away lands where I get to be dressed up and have people do my hair and makeup and look fabulous or "bananas," as Rachel would say. But no walking red carpets for me in Dior and Jimmy Choos high heels. Instead it is jogging paths in Under Armour and New Balance shoes. At least I'm more comfortable.
I am working on a positive outlook on life. So I am listing a few things that make me happy:
1. With my love of running, I can eat sweets and no guilty feeling comes.
2. I like being alone. Most people aren't introverted, so when they are alone, they hate it. I love it.
3. I will have straight teeth when these braces come off. I think that will be the happiest day of my life.
I am hard at work with training. I just did a 15 mile run and then Friday before work I will do an 18 mile run and then Saturday I am doing a 2 hour bike ride followed by an open water swim. Sunday I do a 6 hour bike ride...6 hours is an awfully long time to be seated in a saddle. I truly am trying to dig deep to find the motivation for that...I can only listen to my iPod for so long before I get tired of the songs and the radio plays the Black Eyed Peas at least 6 times an hour. So I'll try. It's still very hot and training in heat is very hard on the body.
I have been contemplating a hair color change for a while. I've been blonde (fake blonde) for about 13 years now. I'm thinking of going brunette for a while. Chlorine makes the blonde just wash out anyway and it's expensive to up keep, although I've been doing it for so long. Might be fun to see what life is like on the other side. I really don't remember what it is like having dark hair. I have no one to impress, so if it doesn't work for me, it's not like it'll really matter. I haven't been very social lately. Just training, working in an office where I don't have much interaction with people, and watching television.
I am addicted to the Real Housewives of (fill in city) series. I also am loving the Rachel Zoe Project. I just like seeing all the beautiful fashion and dreaming of far away lands where I get to be dressed up and have people do my hair and makeup and look fabulous or "bananas," as Rachel would say. But no walking red carpets for me in Dior and Jimmy Choos high heels. Instead it is jogging paths in Under Armour and New Balance shoes. At least I'm more comfortable.
I am working on a positive outlook on life. So I am listing a few things that make me happy:
1. With my love of running, I can eat sweets and no guilty feeling comes.
2. I like being alone. Most people aren't introverted, so when they are alone, they hate it. I love it.
3. I will have straight teeth when these braces come off. I think that will be the happiest day of my life.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Last Saturday I attempted a 5 hour bike ride, but was met with pouring rain and lightening. Due to safety issues, I had to stop after 3 hours. It was actually quite cold and shivering. So I went to the gym, ran 8 miles on a treadmill and then swam 2000 meters. The next day I met a group for a 12 mile run on a trail; then Monday, a holiday, I got in my 5 hour bike ride. I didn't end up riding too many miles though in 5 hours. Guess I was a slow biker that day and I did get a flat tire. On Saturday, a member of my training group was off to the side of the road changing a flat so I stopped to help. She said a staple went through her tire...a staple? No way, I thought. But then guess what? Monday comes and I get a flat. I always try to find the source of the problem before I put in the new tube and wouldn't you know? A staple had found its way through my tire and tube. Maybe I was jinxed.
My long swim this week lasted 3500m and went just fine.
I have been very tired lately and getting bad headaches. I think my teeth from my braces are shifting quite a bit, so maybe that is why. Or maybe it's the never-ending heat. But I hope it goes away.
Today is September 11th and it's nice to see all the American flags flying in people's yards.
Last Saturday I attempted a 5 hour bike ride, but was met with pouring rain and lightening. Due to safety issues, I had to stop after 3 hours. It was actually quite cold and shivering. So I went to the gym, ran 8 miles on a treadmill and then swam 2000 meters. The next day I met a group for a 12 mile run on a trail; then Monday, a holiday, I got in my 5 hour bike ride. I didn't end up riding too many miles though in 5 hours. Guess I was a slow biker that day and I did get a flat tire. On Saturday, a member of my training group was off to the side of the road changing a flat so I stopped to help. She said a staple went through her tire...a staple? No way, I thought. But then guess what? Monday comes and I get a flat. I always try to find the source of the problem before I put in the new tube and wouldn't you know? A staple had found its way through my tire and tube. Maybe I was jinxed.
My long swim this week lasted 3500m and went just fine.
I have been very tired lately and getting bad headaches. I think my teeth from my braces are shifting quite a bit, so maybe that is why. Or maybe it's the never-ending heat. But I hope it goes away.
Today is September 11th and it's nice to see all the American flags flying in people's yards.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I swam 4000m yesterday and wow, was that monotonous. Back and forth and back and forth. I did purchase a waterproof contraption for my iPod so I could listen to music while I swim. According to the website, both Michael Phelps and Natalie Coughlin use it, so if it is good enough for them...but I read some reviews online that weren't positive. Turns out once you get underwater and stroke and breathe, you can't hear the music. It becomes very muffled and sounds just like your neighbor playing music...you know it's there, but can't make out any sounds. So I may be returning that. If I wouldn't swim and just held my head underwater, you could make out the songs a little better, but still muffled. So I guess I will be listening to my breathing and sounds of my thoughts as I swim.
I did run 8 miles yesterday as well and then biked this morning a little. I think my iPod is done and dead. I fell on it during my bike accident and it got pretty banged up and I think I may have broken it permanently.
Today my little brother left for Salt Lake City. He has packed up his things and moved there, so I am sad. I will miss him. I hope I get to live near him again soon. Maybe he'll be back someday, I hope.
But all is well. I am ready for a good night's sleep at some point. Been waking up early to train everyday. But life is all good.
I swam 4000m yesterday and wow, was that monotonous. Back and forth and back and forth. I did purchase a waterproof contraption for my iPod so I could listen to music while I swim. According to the website, both Michael Phelps and Natalie Coughlin use it, so if it is good enough for them...but I read some reviews online that weren't positive. Turns out once you get underwater and stroke and breathe, you can't hear the music. It becomes very muffled and sounds just like your neighbor playing music...you know it's there, but can't make out any sounds. So I may be returning that. If I wouldn't swim and just held my head underwater, you could make out the songs a little better, but still muffled. So I guess I will be listening to my breathing and sounds of my thoughts as I swim.
I did run 8 miles yesterday as well and then biked this morning a little. I think my iPod is done and dead. I fell on it during my bike accident and it got pretty banged up and I think I may have broken it permanently.
Today my little brother left for Salt Lake City. He has packed up his things and moved there, so I am sad. I will miss him. I hope I get to live near him again soon. Maybe he'll be back someday, I hope.
But all is well. I am ready for a good night's sleep at some point. Been waking up early to train everyday. But life is all good.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Moving forward
So I'm still moving forward with Ironman training. I swam 3300m yesterday and it was fine. Boring to swim all those laps, but fine nonetheless. I also swam this morning again at 6am and have sprints tonight.
I purchased a waterproof ipod case to swim and listen to music, so maybe that will help. See how that works out for me. I haven't received it yet.
I will see how my training adds up for the next month and then go from there. I don't know. I still feel very, very behind. I am not quick nor feel as conditioned as I should be by now I think.
Ironman training has been very interesting and wonderful and frustrating all at the same time. My body is now doing very weird things that is has never done before. So we'll see what happens, hopefully it'll work out, but if not...I'll cry.
I've always really loved triathlons. I like individual sports where I am just challenged by my own self and not by a team. I like the conditioning of it and the fact that my body can't plateau. Every workout everyday is different. I like the challenge; I like the racing; I actually like being a slave to a regimented schedule. I need that or I slack. But it is stressful and hard and I am having flashbacks to junior high days when I was not an athlete at all. It's bringing up some really bad memories, which I've never experienced in any other training I've ever done before...even for half ironmans, which are fairly grueling in training.
But we'll see. I will be an Ironman someday.
So I'm still moving forward with Ironman training. I swam 3300m yesterday and it was fine. Boring to swim all those laps, but fine nonetheless. I also swam this morning again at 6am and have sprints tonight.
I purchased a waterproof ipod case to swim and listen to music, so maybe that will help. See how that works out for me. I haven't received it yet.
I will see how my training adds up for the next month and then go from there. I don't know. I still feel very, very behind. I am not quick nor feel as conditioned as I should be by now I think.
Ironman training has been very interesting and wonderful and frustrating all at the same time. My body is now doing very weird things that is has never done before. So we'll see what happens, hopefully it'll work out, but if not...I'll cry.
I've always really loved triathlons. I like individual sports where I am just challenged by my own self and not by a team. I like the conditioning of it and the fact that my body can't plateau. Every workout everyday is different. I like the challenge; I like the racing; I actually like being a slave to a regimented schedule. I need that or I slack. But it is stressful and hard and I am having flashbacks to junior high days when I was not an athlete at all. It's bringing up some really bad memories, which I've never experienced in any other training I've ever done before...even for half ironmans, which are fairly grueling in training.
But we'll see. I will be an Ironman someday.
Monday, August 31, 2009
On Saturday I biked 3 hours with my group and then we ran 4 miles, but it was so hot that we had to cut our workout short. We were supposed to do 4 hours of biking. It's been 113 almost everyday and tomorrow is September! We have been breaking heat records and I'm about ready to lose it. I tried to run yesterday and it was 10 miles that took me longer than any half marathon time I have run. I just don't know if I will be ready and it's been a bit of a heartbreaking weekend.
I hear how everyone is swimming 4000 meters already and I'm just not there. My swimming is behind and it's too hot to get in the full workouts. I've never given up on any physical challenge I've been given, so don't know what to do. But I just can't train in this heat and I'm too slow in swimming. Really sad right now, but we'll see. Maybe I can still pull it off. It's something I've been wanting for a very long time and signed up for this race in April 2008.
On Saturday I biked 3 hours with my group and then we ran 4 miles, but it was so hot that we had to cut our workout short. We were supposed to do 4 hours of biking. It's been 113 almost everyday and tomorrow is September! We have been breaking heat records and I'm about ready to lose it. I tried to run yesterday and it was 10 miles that took me longer than any half marathon time I have run. I just don't know if I will be ready and it's been a bit of a heartbreaking weekend.
I hear how everyone is swimming 4000 meters already and I'm just not there. My swimming is behind and it's too hot to get in the full workouts. I've never given up on any physical challenge I've been given, so don't know what to do. But I just can't train in this heat and I'm too slow in swimming. Really sad right now, but we'll see. Maybe I can still pull it off. It's something I've been wanting for a very long time and signed up for this race in April 2008.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It has now been 1 month since I got my white braces put on my teeth. I got them tightened today. My bite is different and my teeth are now overlapping each other, but when I smile, it looks the same. Hopefully it is coming along. So for the next couple of days, it will be mushy food.
I was so good about my training last week. I was up between 4-5:30am to train every single day. This week...not so much. Been really tired lately and hungry. Need to snap out of it and get my rear on the saddle.
It has now been 1 month since I got my white braces put on my teeth. I got them tightened today. My bite is different and my teeth are now overlapping each other, but when I smile, it looks the same. Hopefully it is coming along. So for the next couple of days, it will be mushy food.
I was so good about my training last week. I was up between 4-5:30am to train every single day. This week...not so much. Been really tired lately and hungry. Need to snap out of it and get my rear on the saddle.
Monday, August 24, 2009
On Saturday I did a group ride of 70 miles. It took a very long time to finish. I did get one flat tire, unfortunately. I wasn't the only one, though. I was considered lucky to only get 1 flat. So frustrating, but I lucked out and one member of my group who is Speedy Gonzalez with changing flats happened to bike by and stop and fix my flat in record time. It would have taken me over twice as long to change the flat. Perhaps our prayers to the anti-flat Gods need to be more faithful. I'll try exercising my faith all week before the long ride this weekend comes.
I was getting bored and hungry by the end of the ride. I was counting my pedaling with 100 times on my right foot and then switching to 100 times on my left foot, then singing songs in my head...anything to stay with it and not get too tired.
Afterwards, we all hit the pool and ate and ate and ate. Usually triathletes are quite loud and talkative, but as soon as we got food, we all went completely silent. I swear if I had two forks, I would have been double fisting it. I couldn't shovel the food down fast enough. I wonder if it possible to gain weight with this level of working out because it seems like I am eating my weight in food all the time. Some people in my group were complaining that they were tired of being hungry all the time. Amen to that! At least I am not alone. I am not using braces as any excuse not to eat food. I am still eating bread and bagels, which my dentist said not to eat.
The next day I went on a 14 mile (hot, hot) run. I was sweating like crazy and went through three water bottles. Then, I had a swim. I had bad memories of junior high gym return. I got put into a swim group that was clearly above my level. I was the slowest one in the group and made me feel like the anti-athlete I was throughout my elementary and high school days. I didn't like that feeling. It is not good for the self-esteem.
Then after that, no matter what I ate, I couldn't get full. My tank is emptying quickly.
But I love the training!! I just love it.
I also love eating cake and not feeling guilty. But I do not love the early mornings when my alarm clock has the number "4" in the hour. Getting up before 5am on the weekends is not my idea of a "weekend."
On Saturday I did a group ride of 70 miles. It took a very long time to finish. I did get one flat tire, unfortunately. I wasn't the only one, though. I was considered lucky to only get 1 flat. So frustrating, but I lucked out and one member of my group who is Speedy Gonzalez with changing flats happened to bike by and stop and fix my flat in record time. It would have taken me over twice as long to change the flat. Perhaps our prayers to the anti-flat Gods need to be more faithful. I'll try exercising my faith all week before the long ride this weekend comes.
I was getting bored and hungry by the end of the ride. I was counting my pedaling with 100 times on my right foot and then switching to 100 times on my left foot, then singing songs in my head...anything to stay with it and not get too tired.
Afterwards, we all hit the pool and ate and ate and ate. Usually triathletes are quite loud and talkative, but as soon as we got food, we all went completely silent. I swear if I had two forks, I would have been double fisting it. I couldn't shovel the food down fast enough. I wonder if it possible to gain weight with this level of working out because it seems like I am eating my weight in food all the time. Some people in my group were complaining that they were tired of being hungry all the time. Amen to that! At least I am not alone. I am not using braces as any excuse not to eat food. I am still eating bread and bagels, which my dentist said not to eat.
The next day I went on a 14 mile (hot, hot) run. I was sweating like crazy and went through three water bottles. Then, I had a swim. I had bad memories of junior high gym return. I got put into a swim group that was clearly above my level. I was the slowest one in the group and made me feel like the anti-athlete I was throughout my elementary and high school days. I didn't like that feeling. It is not good for the self-esteem.
Then after that, no matter what I ate, I couldn't get full. My tank is emptying quickly.
But I love the training!! I just love it.
I also love eating cake and not feeling guilty. But I do not love the early mornings when my alarm clock has the number "4" in the hour. Getting up before 5am on the weekends is not my idea of a "weekend."
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I have been waking up early everyday this week to train. I won't get some extra zzz's till possibly Monday, but even then, not too much sleep. It's not bothering me though. I like the training.
I feel as though I am behind. I read some other people's blogs on training and it's so advanced. My training just got kicked up, but not to the level as others, so hope I am doing everything I need to do. But perhaps it is a good thing and I am not wearing myself out like others. Bike rides are longer and long runs are longer, but everything else during the weekdays is staying pretty stagnant in terms of the training program.
We'll see what happens. Hope no more accidents. Braces are still weird, but probably always will be a strange feel for the duration of wearing them. I feel like I have huge lips as they are forced out over the brackets.
I have been waking up early everyday this week to train. I won't get some extra zzz's till possibly Monday, but even then, not too much sleep. It's not bothering me though. I like the training.
I feel as though I am behind. I read some other people's blogs on training and it's so advanced. My training just got kicked up, but not to the level as others, so hope I am doing everything I need to do. But perhaps it is a good thing and I am not wearing myself out like others. Bike rides are longer and long runs are longer, but everything else during the weekdays is staying pretty stagnant in terms of the training program.
We'll see what happens. Hope no more accidents. Braces are still weird, but probably always will be a strange feel for the duration of wearing them. I feel like I have huge lips as they are forced out over the brackets.
Monday, August 17, 2009
This weekend I did a four hour bike ride, which I got up at 4:05am to do. However, I was not fast at all. In fact, my average mph was very slow. I should be faster by now, but I vow to do better next week. I was on a hilly course, so that did bring down my average speed, but I know I can do more. I did keep my cadence pretty high and stayed in the higher gears for such a long ride. I am getting used to just biking in higher gears now.
I also did a swim with a group and on Monday morning I did a 12.5 mile run before work. By 7:30am it was a scorcher. It's going to be a hot day.
I hope to not get caught in the traffic of President Obama, as he is in town. Last time he was here, I was on the freeway at a completely dead stand still.
This weekend I did a four hour bike ride, which I got up at 4:05am to do. However, I was not fast at all. In fact, my average mph was very slow. I should be faster by now, but I vow to do better next week. I was on a hilly course, so that did bring down my average speed, but I know I can do more. I did keep my cadence pretty high and stayed in the higher gears for such a long ride. I am getting used to just biking in higher gears now.
I also did a swim with a group and on Monday morning I did a 12.5 mile run before work. By 7:30am it was a scorcher. It's going to be a hot day.
I hope to not get caught in the traffic of President Obama, as he is in town. Last time he was here, I was on the freeway at a completely dead stand still.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
4th of July,
Salt Lake City
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Patience is a virtue. It has now been two weeks since I got my braces and every morning I look into the mirror only to be greeted with the exact same smile I had before. I am someone who wants things immediately and changing my teeth apparently is not something that happens overnight.
This weekend I got back on the saddle so to speak. I finally got back biking after my accident that left me with a lifetime of scars and an embarrassment in front of two good looking men. But I completed a 50 mile ride and kept my wrist wrapped, so no pain. After that, I ran a slow and exhausting 6.5 miles in heat. But I finished.
The next day I met my training group for a 10 mile trail run. I love technical running. It is my favorite type of running, which is one of the reasons I love triathlons. There is no ability to zone out; your head is always thinking and it keeps me from feeling exhausted as easily as 10 miles of running in circles. Of the group I met, 4 of us were doing Ironman, so we all had a longer run. It was me and 3 guys. And you know what? For the first half I could hang with them. The 5 miles back they smoked me and I couldn't even see them they were so far ahead. I was a bit cautious coming back down the trail after my accident, however. I really was not looking for another round of stitches or blood trails.
I then swam with my group for an hour in a very cold pool, which makes no sense as it has been nearly 110 everyday.
Well, I am still hoping to do Ironman. We shall see. My fall made me lose a lot of training time and I'm not a good biker. So if another fall is in my future, Ironman may not come to fruition. But I'll keep my hopes up and send myself positive wishes that no more accidents will occur.
I also saw the movie Julie and Julia, which combines two of my favorite loves: writing and food. Cute movie! Wish I could say the same about the book.
Patience is a virtue. It has now been two weeks since I got my braces and every morning I look into the mirror only to be greeted with the exact same smile I had before. I am someone who wants things immediately and changing my teeth apparently is not something that happens overnight.
This weekend I got back on the saddle so to speak. I finally got back biking after my accident that left me with a lifetime of scars and an embarrassment in front of two good looking men. But I completed a 50 mile ride and kept my wrist wrapped, so no pain. After that, I ran a slow and exhausting 6.5 miles in heat. But I finished.
The next day I met my training group for a 10 mile trail run. I love technical running. It is my favorite type of running, which is one of the reasons I love triathlons. There is no ability to zone out; your head is always thinking and it keeps me from feeling exhausted as easily as 10 miles of running in circles. Of the group I met, 4 of us were doing Ironman, so we all had a longer run. It was me and 3 guys. And you know what? For the first half I could hang with them. The 5 miles back they smoked me and I couldn't even see them they were so far ahead. I was a bit cautious coming back down the trail after my accident, however. I really was not looking for another round of stitches or blood trails.
I then swam with my group for an hour in a very cold pool, which makes no sense as it has been nearly 110 everyday.
Well, I am still hoping to do Ironman. We shall see. My fall made me lose a lot of training time and I'm not a good biker. So if another fall is in my future, Ironman may not come to fruition. But I'll keep my hopes up and send myself positive wishes that no more accidents will occur.
I also saw the movie Julie and Julia, which combines two of my favorite loves: writing and food. Cute movie! Wish I could say the same about the book.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thinking of Food
I wish braces were like contacts, the moment they start to hurt, you can just take them out. But that would probably mean I'd have to wear them for longer. So I'll just suck it up and deal with it. I am missing food at this moment. I am hungry, but it's too painful to chew and enjoy the food. So what's the point in eating if you can't enjoy it? I tried a bagel last night and had to suck on it till it just dissolved in my mouth, which takes the fun out of eating.
I wish braces were like contacts, the moment they start to hurt, you can just take them out. But that would probably mean I'd have to wear them for longer. So I'll just suck it up and deal with it. I am missing food at this moment. I am hungry, but it's too painful to chew and enjoy the food. So what's the point in eating if you can't enjoy it? I tried a bagel last night and had to suck on it till it just dissolved in my mouth, which takes the fun out of eating.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I would like a doctor to write me out a prescription for pain killers. With my accident and braces, my whole body is one big painful mess. Although, for the first time today, my braces aren't killing me with agonizing pain. I hope it gets better to the point they feel invisible.
I went to the drug store last night and bought the gel you use on babies when they are teething. It said for ages 4 months and older, so I count. Unfortunately, it numbed me for 60 seconds, then the pain returned. My teeth are so sensitive I can't actually chew anything.
But my wrist is getting better. The arm brace has come off. Slowly and surely...
I would like a doctor to write me out a prescription for pain killers. With my accident and braces, my whole body is one big painful mess. Although, for the first time today, my braces aren't killing me with agonizing pain. I hope it gets better to the point they feel invisible.
I went to the drug store last night and bought the gel you use on babies when they are teething. It said for ages 4 months and older, so I count. Unfortunately, it numbed me for 60 seconds, then the pain returned. My teeth are so sensitive I can't actually chew anything.
But my wrist is getting better. The arm brace has come off. Slowly and surely...
bike accident,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Braces are...
Braces are painful. They hurt more than my bike accident. Advil, Ibuprofen...nothing is working. They stop the pain from the accident, but my teeth feel just the same. My gums are bleeding and it is such a pain to eat. I'm having to mash everything up to the consistency of baby food.
I read the instructions the dentist gave me which stated that I shouldn't eat bagels, candy, whole fruit and raw vegetables. Those foods are pretty much my diet. I eat lots of fruit and now will have to cook my apples to mush before I can eat it. I better have a gorgeous smile when this is over because I miss bagels already.
Braces are painful. They hurt more than my bike accident. Advil, Ibuprofen...nothing is working. They stop the pain from the accident, but my teeth feel just the same. My gums are bleeding and it is such a pain to eat. I'm having to mash everything up to the consistency of baby food.
I read the instructions the dentist gave me which stated that I shouldn't eat bagels, candy, whole fruit and raw vegetables. Those foods are pretty much my diet. I eat lots of fruit and now will have to cook my apples to mush before I can eat it. I better have a gorgeous smile when this is over because I miss bagels already.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Brace Face
Today I am dealing with stitches on my face, knee, an arm brace...and now braces on my teeth. I got white braces today. I'm sure this will put a damper on anything social I do, but really, from far away, you don't notice them. When I was driving back from my dentist appointment, I put on my sunglasses and in the rear view mirror, you couldn't tell I had braces. But they hurt like crazy and I can't eat. I tried to drink from a soda can and couldn't. So maybe it'll be soup and smoothies from a straw for the next few days as I adjust to the new metal in my mouth.
Still all banged up from the accident, but more range of motion in my wrist. Driving around with 1 arm all the time hasn't been hard, except for when I want to change the station. Thank heavens for automatic cars in times like these :)
Excessive heat today--115 and higher in some areas. Last night at 11pm, it was still over 100 degrees.
Today I am dealing with stitches on my face, knee, an arm brace...and now braces on my teeth. I got white braces today. I'm sure this will put a damper on anything social I do, but really, from far away, you don't notice them. When I was driving back from my dentist appointment, I put on my sunglasses and in the rear view mirror, you couldn't tell I had braces. But they hurt like crazy and I can't eat. I tried to drink from a soda can and couldn't. So maybe it'll be soup and smoothies from a straw for the next few days as I adjust to the new metal in my mouth.
Still all banged up from the accident, but more range of motion in my wrist. Driving around with 1 arm all the time hasn't been hard, except for when I want to change the station. Thank heavens for automatic cars in times like these :)
Excessive heat today--115 and higher in some areas. Last night at 11pm, it was still over 100 degrees.
bike accident,
Monday, July 27, 2009
Bike Crash
So this weekend was a painful one. On Saturday I did a 6.5 mile run, followed by a 2.5 hour bike ride, at least I was supposed to do 2.5 hours. On my very, very last 1.5 miles, I skidded into some gravel and completely fell off of my bike. I got up and saw blood dripping everywhere. I touched my chin and blood was gushing out. I was on a road that is not often traveled, so was concerned what I would do. Not too long after, a car drove by, with two very good-looking men who stopped to help. They gave me a towel to lie on and pulled out a cell phone since I couldn't think straight enough to use mine. I ended up completely blacking out and dropped the phone. I feel really badly about that...but I came to and one of them called my parents, which of course they didn't answer. The men drove off and I'm left sitting on the side of the road. I tried to stand up and everytime I did, everything went black. So I just lied on the towel on the road for about 5-10 minutes till I could see straight again.
I realized that I am still bleeding and needed to get somewhere quickly. The one way I could get to my parent's house, which is where I was biking, was to just get back on my bike and bike home. So with my shirt all bloodied and still dripping blood, I left a trail 1.5 miles long of blood. I got back and think I went into shock. I got nauseated and had blood all over my parents' garage.
They said my cuts were so deep I would need stitches. I've never had stitches in my life.
So we drove to Urgent Care only to be told there's nothing they can do for me and just to go straight to the hospital. They offered to call an ambulance, but we just drove. I got to the hospital and had to have stitches in my chin and knee and I sprained my wrist.
It is not pretty. I have lacerations all over my arms, legs, knee and face...not to mention my arm brace for my sprained wrist.
What a bad day. I feel like I have been seriously beaten up.
I couldn't even watch the end of the Tour de France. Seeing all those bikers get to ride in Paris as I sat on my bed unable to move an inch.
So this weekend was a painful one. On Saturday I did a 6.5 mile run, followed by a 2.5 hour bike ride, at least I was supposed to do 2.5 hours. On my very, very last 1.5 miles, I skidded into some gravel and completely fell off of my bike. I got up and saw blood dripping everywhere. I touched my chin and blood was gushing out. I was on a road that is not often traveled, so was concerned what I would do. Not too long after, a car drove by, with two very good-looking men who stopped to help. They gave me a towel to lie on and pulled out a cell phone since I couldn't think straight enough to use mine. I ended up completely blacking out and dropped the phone. I feel really badly about that...but I came to and one of them called my parents, which of course they didn't answer. The men drove off and I'm left sitting on the side of the road. I tried to stand up and everytime I did, everything went black. So I just lied on the towel on the road for about 5-10 minutes till I could see straight again.
I realized that I am still bleeding and needed to get somewhere quickly. The one way I could get to my parent's house, which is where I was biking, was to just get back on my bike and bike home. So with my shirt all bloodied and still dripping blood, I left a trail 1.5 miles long of blood. I got back and think I went into shock. I got nauseated and had blood all over my parents' garage.
They said my cuts were so deep I would need stitches. I've never had stitches in my life.
So we drove to Urgent Care only to be told there's nothing they can do for me and just to go straight to the hospital. They offered to call an ambulance, but we just drove. I got to the hospital and had to have stitches in my chin and knee and I sprained my wrist.
It is not pretty. I have lacerations all over my arms, legs, knee and face...not to mention my arm brace for my sprained wrist.
What a bad day. I feel like I have been seriously beaten up.
I couldn't even watch the end of the Tour de France. Seeing all those bikers get to ride in Paris as I sat on my bed unable to move an inch.
bike accident,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Woke up early this morning to thunder and lightening and then rain. It has been quite a while since I have seen rain and now in 108 degrees, the rain has caused the air to become quite stifling. Humidity does exist in the desert.
My swim session was canceled of course due to the lightening. So now must swim and run tonight.
I have been up since 4am from the thunder and my room lighting up like a strobe light. I am now very tired.
Woke up early this morning to thunder and lightening and then rain. It has been quite a while since I have seen rain and now in 108 degrees, the rain has caused the air to become quite stifling. Humidity does exist in the desert.
My swim session was canceled of course due to the lightening. So now must swim and run tonight.
I have been up since 4am from the thunder and my room lighting up like a strobe light. I am now very tired.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
This weekend I participated in the Arizona Road Racers Series. I came in 10th out of 41 in my age group. Not great, but it was really, really hot. I left my house at 5:45 am and it was already hot. It has been 115 almost everyday for a few weeks now.
After I finished, I spent about 10 minutes recovering and then set off for a long run which I finished at 9:00am dying of heat.
I also completed a 3 hour slow bike ride this weekend.
Changing Hands bookstore, my favorite bookstore, held a publishing seminar on Saturday that I attended after my running.
I didn't do the Mountain Man triathlon. I am trying to save money and that would have meant a long drive with gas and a hotel stay, not to mention registration fees. I will be doing a lot more races this fall, so I am keeping my money in the bank.
I am also planning on getting braces on July 28th. I've had the molds done and probably will get them, unless something drastic happens. This will surely put a damper on my social life. I'm only supposed to wear them for 6 months, so that's not too bad.
On Friday I read my horoscope, which I do once in a while for fun, I don't believe in it, but this one said "An old flame returns, step back and then come out ahead." Well, this weekend I saw an old flame, not the one I thought would return, but I did see one. Trying to get over that fact.
This weekend I participated in the Arizona Road Racers Series. I came in 10th out of 41 in my age group. Not great, but it was really, really hot. I left my house at 5:45 am and it was already hot. It has been 115 almost everyday for a few weeks now.
After I finished, I spent about 10 minutes recovering and then set off for a long run which I finished at 9:00am dying of heat.
I also completed a 3 hour slow bike ride this weekend.
Changing Hands bookstore, my favorite bookstore, held a publishing seminar on Saturday that I attended after my running.
I didn't do the Mountain Man triathlon. I am trying to save money and that would have meant a long drive with gas and a hotel stay, not to mention registration fees. I will be doing a lot more races this fall, so I am keeping my money in the bank.
I am also planning on getting braces on July 28th. I've had the molds done and probably will get them, unless something drastic happens. This will surely put a damper on my social life. I'm only supposed to wear them for 6 months, so that's not too bad.
On Friday I read my horoscope, which I do once in a while for fun, I don't believe in it, but this one said "An old flame returns, step back and then come out ahead." Well, this weekend I saw an old flame, not the one I thought would return, but I did see one. Trying to get over that fact.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Miami Social
I watched a new reality show on the Bravo TV network last night called Miami Social. It was just a train wreck. George has weird facial ticks, Ariel thinks he is hot and Katrina was on the Apprentice Season 1. These are crazy people! It's just a weird mix of random people and I can't see any plot lines developing. It seems super staged, not that most reality shows aren't staged, but this even more so. I'm not feeling this show, which is too bad because I like Miami.
Oh, and Hardy sounds just like Greg from the show Dharma and Greg. He looks like a mix between the actor who played Greg and the actor who wears the bow ties on Gossip Girl.
I watched a new reality show on the Bravo TV network last night called Miami Social. It was just a train wreck. George has weird facial ticks, Ariel thinks he is hot and Katrina was on the Apprentice Season 1. These are crazy people! It's just a weird mix of random people and I can't see any plot lines developing. It seems super staged, not that most reality shows aren't staged, but this even more so. I'm not feeling this show, which is too bad because I like Miami.
Oh, and Hardy sounds just like Greg from the show Dharma and Greg. He looks like a mix between the actor who played Greg and the actor who wears the bow ties on Gossip Girl.
Bravo TV,
Miami Social,
reality television
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Michael Phelps I am not
I had a breakthrough in swimming today. We did a lot of kicking with my group and the coach used me as an example. I am never used as an example for anything. Ever. So it made me feel good, but as soon as we added the stroke, I fell behind. So clearly it's my stroke holding me back. The coach then had me breathe every 3 strokes, so I was breathing on both sides and my stroke count went down 6 strokes per 50 meters. I wasn't faster, but I was doing less work. I'll take it.
I had a breakthrough in swimming today. We did a lot of kicking with my group and the coach used me as an example. I am never used as an example for anything. Ever. So it made me feel good, but as soon as we added the stroke, I fell behind. So clearly it's my stroke holding me back. The coach then had me breathe every 3 strokes, so I was breathing on both sides and my stroke count went down 6 strokes per 50 meters. I wasn't faster, but I was doing less work. I'll take it.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I've had one too many headaches lately. When I was in Utah on Sunday evening after a beautiful day in heavenly Park City shopping and sharing the relaxed lifestyle of the Park City elite, I was driving back down the canyon into Salt Lake and my vision started to go. I knew right away a migraine was coming. When I get migraines I lose my vision for a while and then the pain starts. The vision started going away, while I was driving mind you, down a canyon, and I got nervous. I drove as quickly as I could without completely breaking the law to a grocery store to buy the most powerful medicine I could find and took over the maximum limit of pills as to hopefully put me into an Excedrine-induced coma. Unfortunately, that amount of pill popping didn't do the trick. I laid in total pain till about 3am when I was finally able to close my eyes and fall semi-asleep. At 6:30am I woke up, wide awake and still had a migraine.
My family was killing me this weekend. Slowly and surely. My grandmother's Alzheimer's mixed with a little dose of senility = a deadly combination.
I did enjoy the heat reprieve because when my plane touched down, hot hair came straight to burn my bones. I could actually see the air from the plane. It was steaming hot. I think the windows of the plane were fogging up.
Now it was my car's turn for a headache. I had trouble with my car since I got back from my 4th of July weekend and it finally gave way. It completely overheated and started steaming. I had to quickly shut it off and mysteriously a AAA van just happened to be in the same parking lot as I...what are the odds? Heaven sent. Well, turns out that my hood wouldn't open because it was stuck, so all he said to me was "good luck" and drove off. Boo hoo! My dad and brother came to my rescue from my overheated car and were able to pop the hood. Perhaps they should get a job with AAA. I got it to the mechanic the very next day, but having to drive in 107 degrees with no air-conditioning. Yeah me. Fortunately, the mechanic was able to fix it, it just hurt my credit card $335. My poor credit card, my poor car, my poor body driving in desert heat with no AC. But it is fixed and the air conditioning blows cold. It better blow cold, that's some expensive AC.
This weekend was hard core workouts. I got up at 4:30am to beat the heat with my friends from Racelab. We swam in Saguaro Lake with many bees who spent the morning trying to mate with my bike. After a 45 minute open water swim, we biked a little over 30 miles into an Indian reservation. Then I ran 5 miles in 110. It got up to 115that day and broke a record. Now it's time for my poor dehydrated muscles to hurt and a dehydration headache to start. Then I had a 12 mile run the next day at 4:30am and a swim session in the outdoors. Tomorrow I have a swim session at 6am and a run with my group at 7pm. Two workouts outdoors in the heat. Just kill me now. I'm already living in hell. If you kill me now, I won't have far to travel and maybe I wouldn't have to get up so early to workout.
Headaches, headaches, headaches.
I've had one too many headaches lately. When I was in Utah on Sunday evening after a beautiful day in heavenly Park City shopping and sharing the relaxed lifestyle of the Park City elite, I was driving back down the canyon into Salt Lake and my vision started to go. I knew right away a migraine was coming. When I get migraines I lose my vision for a while and then the pain starts. The vision started going away, while I was driving mind you, down a canyon, and I got nervous. I drove as quickly as I could without completely breaking the law to a grocery store to buy the most powerful medicine I could find and took over the maximum limit of pills as to hopefully put me into an Excedrine-induced coma. Unfortunately, that amount of pill popping didn't do the trick. I laid in total pain till about 3am when I was finally able to close my eyes and fall semi-asleep. At 6:30am I woke up, wide awake and still had a migraine.
My family was killing me this weekend. Slowly and surely. My grandmother's Alzheimer's mixed with a little dose of senility = a deadly combination.
I did enjoy the heat reprieve because when my plane touched down, hot hair came straight to burn my bones. I could actually see the air from the plane. It was steaming hot. I think the windows of the plane were fogging up.
Now it was my car's turn for a headache. I had trouble with my car since I got back from my 4th of July weekend and it finally gave way. It completely overheated and started steaming. I had to quickly shut it off and mysteriously a AAA van just happened to be in the same parking lot as I...what are the odds? Heaven sent. Well, turns out that my hood wouldn't open because it was stuck, so all he said to me was "good luck" and drove off. Boo hoo! My dad and brother came to my rescue from my overheated car and were able to pop the hood. Perhaps they should get a job with AAA. I got it to the mechanic the very next day, but having to drive in 107 degrees with no air-conditioning. Yeah me. Fortunately, the mechanic was able to fix it, it just hurt my credit card $335. My poor credit card, my poor car, my poor body driving in desert heat with no AC. But it is fixed and the air conditioning blows cold. It better blow cold, that's some expensive AC.
This weekend was hard core workouts. I got up at 4:30am to beat the heat with my friends from Racelab. We swam in Saguaro Lake with many bees who spent the morning trying to mate with my bike. After a 45 minute open water swim, we biked a little over 30 miles into an Indian reservation. Then I ran 5 miles in 110. It got up to 115that day and broke a record. Now it's time for my poor dehydrated muscles to hurt and a dehydration headache to start. Then I had a 12 mile run the next day at 4:30am and a swim session in the outdoors. Tomorrow I have a swim session at 6am and a run with my group at 7pm. Two workouts outdoors in the heat. Just kill me now. I'm already living in hell. If you kill me now, I won't have far to travel and maybe I wouldn't have to get up so early to workout.
Headaches, headaches, headaches.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
4th of July
I have enjoyed a beautiful 4th of July weekend in Salt Lake City. I started off by arriving Friday afternoon and taking a nap. Friday morning, a holiday, I met my group at swim practice at 6am and then did Saturday's workout on Friday: an over 2 hour bike ride and 40 minute run.
But then on the plane I could relax. I then went over to visit my uncle and cousins.
Saturday, I actually shopped, which is not one of my favorite activities, but I love the Gateway in downtown Salt Lake. It is an outdoor shopping mall complete with fountains and a theater. Saturday evening I went to my aunt's house in Magna and saw all my mom's side of the family. I ate too much and made myself sick, but that's the way it should be...consuming too much picnic food and cake and ice cream. I then went over to my uncle's house where my cousin light off fireworks in the street. Coming from the heat of the unbearable desert, Utah is a welcomed reprieve.
I also went to Park City and enjoyed a beautiful arts festival and all the lovely outdoors people Utah brings.
My grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's and is very forgetful, but also very mean. I don't think there is a filter from her brain to her mouth now. So I have endured a weekend of "What's wrong with you? Why can't you get a man?" "What's wrong with you? Why aren't you married?" My grandfather asked "Have you been in the paper lately?" I said no, and my grandmother yelled "Why? What's wrong with you?" It's like a broken record. I usually take her out shopping, but I just can't handle it anymore. I left to go running at Brighton High School, one of my favorite places to run, as it has a view of all of Salt Lake, just to get away from the house. My grandfather can't hear, so everything has to be yelled and repeated and repeated. Ohhh, growing older must be hard.
I have enjoyed a beautiful 4th of July weekend in Salt Lake City. I started off by arriving Friday afternoon and taking a nap. Friday morning, a holiday, I met my group at swim practice at 6am and then did Saturday's workout on Friday: an over 2 hour bike ride and 40 minute run.
But then on the plane I could relax. I then went over to visit my uncle and cousins.
Saturday, I actually shopped, which is not one of my favorite activities, but I love the Gateway in downtown Salt Lake. It is an outdoor shopping mall complete with fountains and a theater. Saturday evening I went to my aunt's house in Magna and saw all my mom's side of the family. I ate too much and made myself sick, but that's the way it should be...consuming too much picnic food and cake and ice cream. I then went over to my uncle's house where my cousin light off fireworks in the street. Coming from the heat of the unbearable desert, Utah is a welcomed reprieve.
I also went to Park City and enjoyed a beautiful arts festival and all the lovely outdoors people Utah brings.
My grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's and is very forgetful, but also very mean. I don't think there is a filter from her brain to her mouth now. So I have endured a weekend of "What's wrong with you? Why can't you get a man?" "What's wrong with you? Why aren't you married?" My grandfather asked "Have you been in the paper lately?" I said no, and my grandmother yelled "Why? What's wrong with you?" It's like a broken record. I usually take her out shopping, but I just can't handle it anymore. I left to go running at Brighton High School, one of my favorite places to run, as it has a view of all of Salt Lake, just to get away from the house. My grandfather can't hear, so everything has to be yelled and repeated and repeated. Ohhh, growing older must be hard.
4th of July,
Salt Lake City
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Cloudy Days
I love cloudy days. When I lived in Seattle they were a dime and dozen and sunshine was a novelty. But those days are now reversed. I got up at 5:45am to go on a delicious bike ride. It was beautiful and not hot and sprinkled a bit. I looked down at my watch and was already 45 minutes into my ride and didn't even realize it. I love workouts like that...when time passes quickly.
Today I will be swimming a bit and then getting up early for a swim session with my group tomorrow. I am putting two days of workouts into one day because tomorrow mid-day I go to Salt Lake City for the 4th of July. Looking forward to seeing my family and cooler weather.
I always try to be out of town on the 4th of July. Last year I was in Australia running a marathon, the year before I was in Miami visiting my brother, the year before I was in Seattle visiting friends, and so on.
I love cloudy days. When I lived in Seattle they were a dime and dozen and sunshine was a novelty. But those days are now reversed. I got up at 5:45am to go on a delicious bike ride. It was beautiful and not hot and sprinkled a bit. I looked down at my watch and was already 45 minutes into my ride and didn't even realize it. I love workouts like that...when time passes quickly.
Today I will be swimming a bit and then getting up early for a swim session with my group tomorrow. I am putting two days of workouts into one day because tomorrow mid-day I go to Salt Lake City for the 4th of July. Looking forward to seeing my family and cooler weather.
I always try to be out of town on the 4th of July. Last year I was in Australia running a marathon, the year before I was in Miami visiting my brother, the year before I was in Seattle visiting friends, and so on.
4th of July,
Salt Lake City,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Heat Running Games
Last evening I met my running group at the track, or in our case, the baseball field because the track was being refurbished.
Because of the heat, the coach decided to play a running game of Scrabble. We'd run in circles and everytime we'd pass him, we'd get a letter that we'd then run to another team member who was trying to make words. As soon as she had a word, she'd give it to someone running who would bring it to the coach. Basically running in circles collecting letters is how the game was played.
It was a nice treat that let us forget about time and made me feel like I was 12 again at an elementary school field day.
Last evening I met my running group at the track, or in our case, the baseball field because the track was being refurbished.
Because of the heat, the coach decided to play a running game of Scrabble. We'd run in circles and everytime we'd pass him, we'd get a letter that we'd then run to another team member who was trying to make words. As soon as she had a word, she'd give it to someone running who would bring it to the coach. Basically running in circles collecting letters is how the game was played.
It was a nice treat that let us forget about time and made me feel like I was 12 again at an elementary school field day.
track workout
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Creepy man
So back in 2005 I had a creepy man that I met in a salsa dancing club find out where I worked, found out my phone number and found out my work email address. He kept calling, but I said no. Cut to today and I got three dozen red roses delivered to my office. I never ever get red roses and there is no one in my life who would be sending me red roses. They came with a name and a phone number. I thought my father was playing a joke on me, an expensive joke, but a joke all the same.
So I called him to say "ha ha, but thanks." He said they aren't from him.
So I googled the number and lo and behold, stalker is back. Creepy! People wonder why I stay single...because there are too many weird people out there. I haven't seen this guy since 2005. How would he find out where I worked and my address?
So back in 2005 I had a creepy man that I met in a salsa dancing club find out where I worked, found out my phone number and found out my work email address. He kept calling, but I said no. Cut to today and I got three dozen red roses delivered to my office. I never ever get red roses and there is no one in my life who would be sending me red roses. They came with a name and a phone number. I thought my father was playing a joke on me, an expensive joke, but a joke all the same.
So I called him to say "ha ha, but thanks." He said they aren't from him.
So I googled the number and lo and behold, stalker is back. Creepy! People wonder why I stay single...because there are too many weird people out there. I haven't seen this guy since 2005. How would he find out where I worked and my address?
Monday, June 29, 2009
This weekend I endured a bike ride in 100+ temperatures and my water was scalding hot. I think I may have to do more loops and come back for cold water, not to mention go out earlier.
I had swim practice as well and the waters were cool and inviting. I was put into a group of 3, as the three of us swam at almost exactly the same pace. It certainly made me push harder to finish before them. I am just competitive that way, even when there is technically no competition.
It will be hard to train this weekend with the 4th of July. I am heading to Salt Lake City to enjoy some cooler weather, but will definitely be running. I'll enjoy the shopping of Park City and backyard BBQs without scalding heat.
I have to say I am loving all this Michael Jackson music being played throughout the airwaves and on television. So many of his songs I have forgotten.
This weekend I endured a bike ride in 100+ temperatures and my water was scalding hot. I think I may have to do more loops and come back for cold water, not to mention go out earlier.
I had swim practice as well and the waters were cool and inviting. I was put into a group of 3, as the three of us swam at almost exactly the same pace. It certainly made me push harder to finish before them. I am just competitive that way, even when there is technically no competition.
It will be hard to train this weekend with the 4th of July. I am heading to Salt Lake City to enjoy some cooler weather, but will definitely be running. I'll enjoy the shopping of Park City and backyard BBQs without scalding heat.
I have to say I am loving all this Michael Jackson music being played throughout the airwaves and on television. So many of his songs I have forgotten.
Friday, June 26, 2009

Things generally happen in 3's and this time is no exception. The deaths of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson all happened within days and even hours of each other.
RIP to them all.
It has been non-stop Michael Jackson music on all the radio stations since yesterday evening. His stuff is timeless. I'm sure I will be listening to it when I'm old and gray.

Things generally happen in 3's and this time is no exception. The deaths of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson all happened within days and even hours of each other.
RIP to them all.
It has been non-stop Michael Jackson music on all the radio stations since yesterday evening. His stuff is timeless. I'm sure I will be listening to it when I'm old and gray.
Ed McMahon,
Farrah Fawcett,
Michael Jackson
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Saturday morning, all before 7am, I got two flat tires on my bike. I was biking with the triathlon group Racelab and before we even started, I noticed something sitting on my tire. So I brushed it off and wouldn't you know, the tire went completely flat. Apparently a rock had pocked through the tire and tube and having the rock there kept the air in and when taken off, the hole was exposed and the air went out. The coach said this happens and they've even had someone get 5 flat tires all on one bike ride. I said "don't jinx me." Well, not even 60 minutes later I got a flat tire on the other tire. I was now out of tubes and CO2, so I had the Racelab van take me back to my car and my ride was cut short by an hour. I didn't finish the ride.
I woke up at 4:40am for that, only to be done by 7am. So disappointing. I didn't get my long run in either this weekend. I did manage to swim with the group in an outdoor pool. With temperatures in the 100s F, the pool mysteriously was extremely cold.
I have been having a lot of bad dreams lately that feel so real. I wake up thinking that they actually happened. How do you have pleasant dreams or just not remember your dreams at all? Does this mean something evil is going to happen to me? Is it a premonition?
Saturday morning, all before 7am, I got two flat tires on my bike. I was biking with the triathlon group Racelab and before we even started, I noticed something sitting on my tire. So I brushed it off and wouldn't you know, the tire went completely flat. Apparently a rock had pocked through the tire and tube and having the rock there kept the air in and when taken off, the hole was exposed and the air went out. The coach said this happens and they've even had someone get 5 flat tires all on one bike ride. I said "don't jinx me." Well, not even 60 minutes later I got a flat tire on the other tire. I was now out of tubes and CO2, so I had the Racelab van take me back to my car and my ride was cut short by an hour. I didn't finish the ride.
I woke up at 4:40am for that, only to be done by 7am. So disappointing. I didn't get my long run in either this weekend. I did manage to swim with the group in an outdoor pool. With temperatures in the 100s F, the pool mysteriously was extremely cold.
I have been having a lot of bad dreams lately that feel so real. I wake up thinking that they actually happened. How do you have pleasant dreams or just not remember your dreams at all? Does this mean something evil is going to happen to me? Is it a premonition?
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