Is there anything more fun than running in your underwear? I can think of plenty of more things that are more fun, but definitely not funnier. I did an Undy 5K this weekend and instead of asking for my T-shirt size, I was asked for my waist size. That is because Undy means underwear and we were all given boxers to wear. Loving it! It was for a fundraiser for colon cancer, so it was fitting. Several fundraising teams also raced and they were all appropriately named things like “Big Blue Booties” and “Queens of Colon” and “It is All ‘Behind’ Us Now.” Some really did run in their underwear. I was able to PR in this 5K and came in 12th out of 288. Not very many hardcore runners were there, which is why my higher placing finish.
I also had dinner with some people I was on tour with for the Great Wall of China Marathon. Five of us live in San Diego/Southern CA and we met and ate Korean BBQ. I have some built-in friends in CA because of my races around the world, which makes me a pretty lucky gal!
I am also discovering new places in San Diego and the more I learn about the city, the more I like.