I cannot make running pretty:

I am not sure what is going on with my outfit here. I call this look "Running Bag Lady."

I completed the Camp Pendleton Triathlon this Saturday and it was a doozy. It was actually the hardest swim I've ever done. Ever. Hands down - in the history of any triathlon I've done. It was an ocean swim at a military base. Let me break this race down as to the pros and cons of racing at a military base:
Terrible swimming conditions. I had 4-foot waves, 59-degree water temps and strong currents that carried us in the wrong direction. I almost took a DNF. Turns out, this military base is located there for a reason: It has some of the roughest waters in the area to train the Navy Seals.
It takes a long time to get on base and you have to show photo ID. One way in, one way out.
All the military men were trained to call the women "ma'am." So "good job, ma'am" "do you need water, ma'am?" were what I heard throughout the race. I felt very old.
Hot men everywhere. All the aid stations were lined with hot, muscular men in uniform. Men were literally EVERYWHERE. And all were in uniform. I'll repeat that: UNIFORM. Plenty of eye candy.
Men were out on the bike course with rifles and machetes. They were protecting the triathletes from terrorists. So that's one less thing I had to worry about during the race.
So because this was on a military base and plenty of gorgeous men would be around me and since I look like the above pictures when I race, I decided to wear aviators instead of my typical athletic sunglasses. I was hoping to be more Angelina Jolie than looking like I was hemorrhaging.

I've been struggling in life lately. But I've found a song that perfectly represents how I feel. I have added the song as the theme song to this blog post and have pasted the lyrics below:
Run by Collective Soul
Are these times contagious
I've never been this bored before
Is this the prize I've waited for
Now as the hours passing
There's nothing left here to ensure
I long to find the messenger
Have I got a long way to run [x2]
Yeah, I run [x2]
Is there a cure among us
From this processed sanity
I weaken with each voice that sings
Now in this world of purchase
I'm going to buy back memories
To awaken some old qualities
Have I got a long way to run [x2]
Have I got a long way to run [x2]
Yeah, I run [x2]
Have I got a long way to run [x2]
Yeah, I run [x4]
Have I got a long way to run [x4]