Race Reports #24 and #25
I finished my 24th and 25th half marathons exactly one week apart. I flew to Santa Barbara with the flu for a gorgeous, yet hilly race. It finished right on the beach in Leadbetter Park and was a simply breathtaking course--through a woodsy area, along the coastline and through the hills. I loved it, despite my sore throat. I was glad to be out of Phoenix that weekend for personal reasons.
Seven days later I did my 25th half marathon in Mesa. Flat course, but didn't get my best time. Oh well. Still recovering from my illness. I have been dehydrated lately and I lie in bed at night and my muscles are spasming--not exactly how I should feel before a race.
Now I am going biking to try to spin out some lactic acid because I have a 10 mile race tomorrow known as Iron Girl. It's an all female race around Tempe Town Lake. I love it. This will be my 4th year doing it. So I'll be covering 23.1 miles in two days, not even a full marathon. No prob.
Still in braces :(