Valentine's Day
This weekend, despite my ever-ongoing illness, I completed half marathon #28 and #29 just 24 hours apart. The Sat. race was in gorgeous Mission Bay running on Fiesta Island--flat, loved it. Sun. the race was at an area called Rancho Santa Fe in northwest San Diego, also known as the place for rich people. I saw plenty of woodsy areas and horse stables with estates tucked in behind greenery, just as the wealthy would have it. But the race itself was soooooo hilly. Out of all 29 half marathons, this was the second hardest (after recent #27, which was a tough trail race with the flu as well). I got my second slowest time ever. I think the tough course, mixed with the flu, mixed with the soreness from the half marathon from the day before left me for dead. So I have to just accept my time and try to get my fitness back. I have been posting some of my worst running times ever. 2011 has not been good to me racing wise... What happened?
But San Diego is gorgeous. My life has recently done a 180 and I love it. It is so beautiful here. I ran a race next to a beach??? And it wasn't a trip out of town.
Today, however, is Valentine's Day and once again I find myself alone on this day. Yes, I saw the flowers delivered to the girls at work--one even got pink tulips which are one of my favorite types of flowers. So I did feel a tinge of jealousy, but with all the wonderful things in my life I cannot be sad. I read yesterday that there are 100 million single people in America. With a country of just under 400 million, I am still in the minority, but that is a whole lot of people who are probably dining solo this evening as well. I am not so alone after all.