Half Marathon
Exactly two weeks after Ironman, I ran a half marathon. Knowing my body hasn't properly healed and my ugly blood blisters on my feet seem to be clinging for dear life, I just used the race as a catered long run. I decided that I would use this race as "Thank a Police Officer Race." It is December; it is cold; it is near the holidays; it was on a Sunday and I'm sure they would rather be home with their families than blocking traffic for runners. So I ran from police officer to policer officer rather than run from mile marker to mile marker. I simply stated, "thank you for helping out today," which was always met with a "you're welcome." It made me feel so good inside and gave me motivation to finish when my IT band was killing me.
I then met my training group for a potluck and an afternoon of fun and stories of our racing experiences. After that, I went to a BBQ with friends and listened to beautiful Christmas music and watched concerts on television.
What a glorious day! I love my life right now. 2009 is ending on a happy note. Unfortunately, my post-Ironman feet don't think so, but they sure deserve my love for getting me through an almost 14 hour race. I have recently deemed my body "six feet of bad ass." It has worked hard for me all year.
Monday, December 7, 2009
half ironman,
half marathon,