Last Saturday I attempted a 5 hour bike ride, but was met with pouring rain and lightening. Due to safety issues, I had to stop after 3 hours. It was actually quite cold and shivering. So I went to the gym, ran 8 miles on a treadmill and then swam 2000 meters. The next day I met a group for a 12 mile run on a trail; then Monday, a holiday, I got in my 5 hour bike ride. I didn't end up riding too many miles though in 5 hours. Guess I was a slow biker that day and I did get a flat tire. On Saturday, a member of my training group was off to the side of the road changing a flat so I stopped to help. She said a staple went through her tire...a staple? No way, I thought. But then guess what? Monday comes and I get a flat. I always try to find the source of the problem before I put in the new tube and wouldn't you know? A staple had found its way through my tire and tube. Maybe I was jinxed.
My long swim this week lasted 3500m and went just fine.
I have been very tired lately and getting bad headaches. I think my teeth from my braces are shifting quite a bit, so maybe that is why. Or maybe it's the never-ending heat. But I hope it goes away.
Today is September 11th and it's nice to see all the American flags flying in people's yards.