Open Water Swim Race
I participated in the fall Open Water Swim Race this morning and wore a wetsuit, which I instantly regretted. Phoenix is having record-breaking temperatures at 110. It is so hot you can't breathe. But hopping into the water was freshing. I did a hot six mile run after the race. I ran into a bunch of friends from Ironman and found out a girl from Scottsdale is doing the same marathon as I am, which is coming up soon.
I also went to a women's expo to hear Helen Hunt speak and I bought a wig. It is my second wig. My trichotillomania is completely out of control, so I bought a brunette wig that is cut to be a bob. I am channeling my inner Anna Wintour. If I add my thick Chanel sunglasses, I look like her, just taller. Five seconds after I put it on, a very good looking man started yelling at me "Are you married?" "Are you married?" That NEVER EVER happens, as in NEVER EVER. I think I will wear this wig all the time.