My poor quads are still burning and the lactic acid is staying strong. I have only gotten sore once before in a half marathon (this was my 22nd). My Salt Lake City half marathon was mostly downhill, which led me to pull off some 7:55 mile paces, but unfortunately, my quads were so sore by the end. Mile 11-12 was uphill and unfortunately, my body didn't kindly take to shifting from quads to other muscles and it slowed me down. However, I was fine with my finish time.
But, the race was beautiful with 70 degree temperatures in one of my favorite cities. The beautiful and fragrant spring flowers greeted me throughout the course, as did cherry blossoms with the wind blowing the pink blossoms all around. I loved this race and would do it again anytime. I love SLC and I love running, so put them together when it doesn't involve snow and I'm a happy girl.
I also celebrated an early birthday while in Utah with my cousins. We ate delicious thick banana splits and milkshakes at Leatherbys, discovered daffodils and spectacular colors of tulips at Temple Square, and toured the Gateway.
My poor brother was supposed to travel to Spain and France on Sunday, but his flight got canceled with the volcano. Soo sad.
I have been waking up early, stupid early. Friday I got up at 5am for a work function, Saturday I got up at 3:30am AZ time for the race and Sunday I got up at 5:00am AZ time to take my brother to the airport, only to have his flight canceled.
This weekend I will be in LA, then my birthday, then off to Peru for a full marathon, then a triathlon in Arizona, then the Great Wall of China marathon--my even poorer quads.