Since it has now been a week that I've felt like I'm on my death bed, I've had some time to watch the Olympics. I love the figure skating. I love the ice. I have such happy memories of the ice rink.
Back in high school I was grossly unpopular with boys. Actually, some things never change. I used to think I would be a late bloomer, but being as that I'm turning 33 in a couple months, I think I am a perpetual bud. But I digress. In high school I never went to prom or homecoming, so the nights of the dances, I would head to the ice rink where you just couldn't be sad. It was my happy place.
I love the smell of the ice. In fact, it is my favorite smell: freshly zambonied ice.
In college I would get up at 5:30am to catch a bus ride for an hour to the ice rink, skate, then take a bus ride for an hour back--all before I even went to class. That's how much I loved the ice.
Watching the Olympics makes me happy to see the skaters and jealous at the same time.

I have developed a bit of a crush on skier Bode Miller. He looks like actor Ed Burns. We would make a good couple because 1. We both have winter sports we enjoy. Clearly he's more talented at his sport though. 2. We both have good balance. I can stay up on two thin blades and he can stay up on two thin sticks. 3. We both are into fitness.
Jennifer and Bode's Fairy Tale:
I would be the ice princess skating all winter and he would be the king of the moguls. Our favorite food would of course be snow cones. Then during the summer we would cross train by running marathons and triathlons in beach towns.
And we would live happily ever after.