Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm in Europe!

I successfully made it to Copenhagen and found my hotel thank you very much. All these people kept, Europe on your own? Even a lady just now..."are you here on your own? Wow, I couldn't do that." Yes, I am thank you very much. All by myself.

Thursday morning was quite hectic. The shuttle to the airport picked me up 20 minutes late and then had another stop after me. Then I got to Delta and there were hoards of people standing around, no line, just people everywhere and everything was so disorganized. They just had people standing everywhere yelling at the employees and the employees were just ignoring everyone. I got to my flight and they were boarding already.

The guys on my flight to ATL sitting next to me were reading Obama's book and then on my flight to Copenhagen the lady sitting next to me was also reading Obama's Swedish. I didn't get the memo that was the only acceptable flight reading material.

I did watch two cute movies: Hotel for Dogs and Yes Man. I recommend both.

I got into Copenhagen and found my way straight to the train and then found the correct stop and Tivoli Gardens and Hard Rock Cafe, so I am set!

Today on my agenda is to visit Tivoli Gardens and then to visit the fitness expo to pick up my number for my race. I heard it is a ways out of town, so I'll either do a cab or try to navigate my way around this town by bus. I found tourist information, so I'm sure I'll ask for help. See? That's all it takes to find my way around the town. Just ask a few questions. I found my hotel on my own all by looking at a map. All the women who told, I wouldn't go somewhere without my husband. Well, when you don't have one, it's pretty amazing what you can do on your own.

The Danish men are all gorgeous. Big blue eyes and rectangular glasses and sweaters tied around their shoulders...all European and sophisicated. Happy to be back in Europe!! Now, I'm on the lookout for some white Magnums....