Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pain, Pain Go Away Don't Ever Come Any Other Day

I am having neck pain for the first time since I was 14. I think it is biking too much or running too much and hunching my shoulders...I don't know. It was difficult to sleep last night and driving to work was tough, as I couldn't turn my head to check for cars when switching lanes.

Might be time for my first trip to a chiro since I was 14 when I sprained my neck.

Yesterday I did a bike ride and a short 3 mile run. Today I am scheduled to bike and swim, but we'll see how that goes. My range of motion in my neck is very limited, so I can probably bike, but turning my head to breathe when swimming may not be very comfortable or even doable.

I have a triathlon on Sunday and a running race on Saturday. Not sure how that will go. I am worried about my triathlon. I haven't been biking much and there will be a very heavily populated bike course. Ick. I really need to be biking much more than I have's just so much easier to run than all that gear I need for biking. We'll see how my neck feels through all of this. It's not looking good. But trying to stay positive. Don't want my registration fee to go to waste and it is for a good cause. The race is for breast cancer. It will be very early mornings however. Have to be up at 5am for the races. I am not a morning person.