So on Sunday I had the best day ever! I have a huge crush on Australian chef Curtis Stone. I am not afraid to admit it. He is a gorgeous man who can cook and he speaks Australian. Well, he was coming to the Festival of Books and I had to be there. I had dreamed about what it would be like to meet him, and let me tell you, he did not disappoint. It was perfect!
He put on a wonderful cooking demonstration and had all the ladies swooning. Afterwards, he was signing copies of his cookbook. I stood in line to buy the cookbook so I could finally meet my Australian dreamboat and the person right in front of me bought the last one! No!!!
But alas, my friend Vicki saved the day. Apparently, they announced to the crowd (after I had taken off in a desperate attempt to find a cookbook) that anyone wishing to donate to charity could take Curtis Stone's poster and cookbook and move to the front of the line. So, Vicki, being my superwoman, whipped open her wallet, thrust money in front of him and gave me the best birthday present...a meeting with Curtis Stone. It was all too fabulous and I was just gushing. Lucky girl or what? I was so nervous I couldn't even speak to him. He asked me how I was doing and all I could say's my birthday. So lovely, beautiful Curtis signed his poster and wrote in the cookbook "Happy, happy birthday Jennifer, love Curtis Stone XX" XX!! I got an XX from Curtis? So is XX a hug or a kiss? I don't know xoxoxo, which is which. I'll pretend it is the kiss. This photo is my new wallpaper.
Second year in a row I was wished happy birthday by an Australian man. Again I say, lucky girl or what?

Do I look like I'm in love with this Aussie? Curtis Stone and I (he's touching me!)

I'm giddy as a school girl

Thank you Vicki!
So I'm flying high. Then that night my dad calls me to wish me happy birthday and says he is going to San Francisco the next day.
On Monday, my actual birthday, my family friends, my mom and I take a long drive to Laguna Beach for brunch. I ordered pancakes that tasted like birthday cake with sweet Maple syrup. As my taste buds were watering, my mom all of a sudden starts screaming..."OH my gosh" and in walks my dad!! Totally surprising me for my birthday. We are in this no-name restaurant over 90 minutes from LA and in walks my father with a birthday card signed by him and my brothers! What a total surprise. This weekend can't get any better. Best birthday yet!
We take a walk down to the water and I enjoy the sand slipping beneath my toes.


My dad-didn't expect to spend my b-day with him
After brunch, my dad and friends left me and mom to do a little retail therapy. I also enjoyed my first experience at Pinkberry.

My mom and I watched a movie and enjoyed the last minutes in Los Angeles. Perfect weather, perfect friends, perfect Aussie Curtis Stone, and a perfect birthday.
Thank you to everyone who made it so special. I have been just glowing.